Things We Saw Today: The Avengers, Replaced By Their Canonical Genderswapped Counterpart Characters
Things We Saw Today
May 3rd, 2012, 5:03 pm
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Comics Alliance asked Chris Haley to draw this recast version of The Avengers, where every character is replaced by their canonical opposite gender counter part (from left to right: She-Hulk, Kate Bishop, Pepper Potts as Rescue, Maria Hill, American Dream, and Thor Girl) except Black Widow, who doesn’t have one.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal‘s Hysteria is out in fifteen days, and she’s understandably being asked about vibrators a whole lot. (The Frisky)
- Bethesda has announced a long rumored Elder Scrolls MMO is in development. You might as well start saving up vacation days now. (Massively)
Oh my god it’s the Jersey Shore Bat-family. From CBR’s always awesome The Line It Is Drawn.
- The Discriminating Fangirl explains how Moviefone done goofed yesterday.
- Why America needs more female engineers. (Washington Post)
Look at this. (TDW)
- The Hairpin writes Dune fanfiction, and I think you guys are the audience most likely to appreciate it for all its aspects.
- Joss Whedon describes his favorite scene of his rejected Batman movie pitch. (Blastr)
Emma Watson shows off her new duds from the set of The Bling Ring. (Twitter)
- GeekMom is joining Wired! Congratulations, ladies!
Mondo has released its final Avengers poster design, and its a doosy.
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