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New Thor: The Dark World Trailer Released, Has a Bunch More Violence [Video]

Not pictured: Hawkeye, nervously tugging his shirt collar and asking if he can skip this one.

The new Thor: The Dark World trailer from San Diego Comic Con is out in time for Geek Week, and so far the film appears to benefit greatly from Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor’s deft hand. Regardless of what you thought about the previous Thor movie, this one seems like it’s going to ramp the action up a notch.

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Here are some things to love about this trailer:

1. If you get annoyed easily by Tom Hiddleston worshippers and sometimes project that annoyance onto Hiddles himself, you’ll be happy to know that Loki gets physically threatened a whole bunch of times. It’s no “Puny God” moment, but it’s a start.

2. We actually get to hear some dialogue from Christopher Eccleston as Malekith the Dark Elf, and he sounds surprisingly not like himself. Guess Svartalfheim doesn’t have a “North.”

3. Idris Elba! Idris Elba! Idris Elba!

Thor: The Dark World is set to arrive in theaters on November 8th. Until then, let’s come up with all the different reasons that none of the Avengers will show up in each other’s films to help one another out, because between Iron Man 3 and this I’m starting to wonder.

(Youtube via The Mary Sue)

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