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Thor’s New Avengers 4 Costume Leaked and Thanks, I Hate It

Thor in Thor: Ragnarok

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The God of Thunder is a perfect specimen and you are ruining him, Russos. Ruining.

Everything Avengers 4 is still on such total lockdown that we likely won’t know the movie’s title until the end of the year, because Kevin Feige is a master of manipulation and torment. So we rely on leaks—often in toy form—for hints and speculation as to what’s to come.

After Ant-Man and The Wasp‘s exploration of the Quantum Realm, with its warning about time vortices, and Avengers 4 set pictures that seem to suggest our heroes are somehow revisiting the Avengers’ 2012 Battle for New York, many of us believe that the movie will involve time travel as a means to undo Thanos’ Snapture.

Time travel—or rather, venturing into the Quantum Realm to access a vortex—could be one explanation for the latest costume mess the Russo brothers and their cohort are inflicting upon my fiancé Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, and his furry partner in snark Rocket Raccoon. These costumes appear to be part of a toy two-pack of the heroes in Avengers 4.

My first guess is that they are in suits made for surviving Quantum Realm conditions. But these look more like motion capture suits someone forgot to do the special effects on.

What, exactly, did Thor do to deserve the callous treatment he is receiving at the hands of Joseph and Anthony Russo? Rocket is surely guilty of many crimes, but my husband-to-be is blameless.

Thor never did anything wrong in his 1500-year life except the whole attacking Jotunheim thing, and yet you put him in this boring weird suit with a branded Avengers ‘A’ on the breast like it’s 2012 all over again while still—still—insisting on covering his Gods-given arms when he appears in his traditional costume?

It’s as though Disney and Marvel never sat down to talk with a Thor fan who wasn’t a 10-year-old to ask them what they want. Generic time travel suit while wielding a big weapon? Check! Arms for days allowed to be free in black armor? Who wants that except literally everyone else in the Nine Realms?

Liberate his arms.

To be fair, while the image rendering on the toy packaging is very far from inspiring, the picture below has also been making the rounds on Twitter, and if it’s actual concept art, well—I’ll admit it, the end result could end up looking better in action. Maybe.

The backdrop there looks rather Quantum Realmish, and the every-inch encased style reminds us of the suit that Hank Pym wore into the Realm to retrieve Janet Van Dyne in Ant-Man and the Wasp; just add a helmet. I’m still not thrilled about the blah suit design, but I’m crossing fingers that this will be a temporary look—a brief Quantum interlude, if you will.

The main thing that excites me about these leaks? That would be the suggestion from the Avengers toy pack that we might see a lot more of Thor and Rocket teaming up. Name a more iconic duo since Abbott and Costello. I’ll wait.

What do you think of the suits here? Why are they wearing them? Is it the Quantum Realm? Space? A certified Stark-made Time Travel Suit(tm)?

Anyway, if they could add metallic sleeves to Chris Hemsworth’s bare arms in post-production for the end of Infinity War, which is a crime punishable by death in at least sixteen countries, they are more than capable of making these suits more snazzy before Avengers 4 hits theaters.

Me staring disdainfully at Avengers 4’s treacherous design choices.

(via, images: Marvel Studios)

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Kaila Hale-Stern
Kaila Hale-Stern (she/her) is a content director, editor, and writer who has been working in digital media for more than fifteen years. She started at TMS in 2016. She loves to write about TV—especially science fiction, fantasy, and mystery shows—and movies, with an emphasis on Marvel. Talk to her about fandom, queer representation, and Captain Kirk. Kaila has written for io9, Gizmodo, New York Magazine, The Awl, Wired, Cosmopolitan, and once published a Harlequin novel you'll never find.

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