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Not Into Michael Bay’s Ninja Turtles? Help Crowdfund This Fan Film Instead

We really want to see this movie.

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We already told you about filmmaker and Turtles fan Benjamin Eck’s TMNT: Banished fanfilm trailer. If you missed it, take a minute to check it out. We really loved it, and we think you will, too. Eck just launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise the money to make the film. You can watch his pitch video above.

We’re trying to stay optimistic about the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie, but at best right now it looks like it won’t be “that bad.” Eck has promised a darker, more realistic look at the Turtles—specifically Raphael. The story of Banished has Splinter banishing (oooh, now we get it!) Raph from the team because of his uncontrolled anger. He leaves for Los Angeles with Casey Jones to prove he’s worthy of his place with his brothers.

Honestly, it sounds a lot more interesting than Bay’s reboot, so we really hope Eck can pull this off if for no other reason than we want to see it. He is trying to raise $75,000 to shoot this summer for a fall release. Despite Indiegogo offering the option to let users keep whatever amount they can raise for a project, Eck’s chosen “Fixed Funding,” which means he only gets the money if he hits the $75,000.

(via Benjamin Eck)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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