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Cover Up Your Audible Shame With This Toilet Sound Blocker

Do you share an apartment with a roommate, and the toilet in the bathroom is placed as close to the bathroom door as possible? Do you always end up taking a bathroom break the same time as a coworker and sit in the stall next to said coworker, wondering how in the world Jerry makes utterly no noise until the final toilet flush when you can’t help but announce the reason for your bathroom trip with particular noises the very second you sit on the bowl? Never fear, self-conscious friend, the Japan Trend Shop is here to help you hide your audible, bathroom-related shame. The Eco-Otome Toilet Sound Blocker is a little device that can fit onto a keychain or mobile phone, and with two pushes of a button, makes toilet flushing noises for 25 seconds in order to cover up the noise of distinctive splashes. Another two pushes of the button before the 25 seconds is up will prematurely end the flushing noises.

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Judging by the above colors and design motifs, the Eco-Otome Toilet Sound Blocker is made with the ladies in mind, since we all know dudes revel in their splash noises. The seemingly odd “save the earth” design isn’t just a friendly reminder, it is because the sound blocker prevents bathroom goers from actually flushing over and over again to cover up their noises, saving water. The Eco-Otome Toilet Sound Blocker will set you back a cool $31, but at what price making the person in the stall next to you think you have a serious bladder or bowel problem because you are flushing so much, you must be going as frequently as your flushes?

(Japan Trend Shop via Topless Robot)

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