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Watch Trevor From GTAV Scream “Go F*** Yourself!” At A Fan During NYCC [VIDEO]

He did not end up with this guy's brain on his boot, thankfully.


A few days ago, we told you guys about the 5 very best lessons from the Grand Theft Auto V panel at New York Comic Con. As a reminder, here was our Number 4 Lesson:

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4. It Is Terrifying When Trevor [Steven Ogg] Screams In Your Face

The very best question at the panel came from one dude who just sheepishly asked, “Steven… can you curse at me? Like, you know… tell me to go f*ck yourself, or something?” As the audienced LOL’d, Ogg jumped down off the stage, stormed over to the guy, got up in his face, and – in his very best Trevor – screamed, “Go f*ck yourself!

As Miller said after, Ogg could charge for that at the Rockstar booth and make a fortune. I need a new voicemail message, come to think of it.

Internet gods be praised, the fan who asked the initial question caught the whole thing on camera, and has uploaded it to YouTube:

Here’s how we know Rockstar is incredible at motion capture: we are 6000% sure the guy in that video actually is Trevor. Steven Ogg is amazing/terrifying.

(via Kotaku, image via Rockstar)

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Sam Maggs
Sam Maggs is a writer and televisioner, currently hailing from the Kingdom of the North (Toronto). Her first book, THE FANGIRL'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY will be out soon from Quirk Books. Sam’s parents saw Star Wars: A New Hope 24 times when it first came out, so none of this is really her fault.

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