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Trump Will Hold up Coronavirus Stimulus So People Can’t Vote

Donald Trump gestures and makes a weird face during a press briefing.

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Donald Trump is not even hiding the fact that he wants to steal the election by keeping people from voting safely. This isn’t new: Republicans have been very clear that they know expanded voting and voting by mail will mean they lose power, and Trump has spread conspiracy theories about voting by mail for months. But today he just came out and said it—he won’t sign a coronavirus stimulus bill if there are provisions to expanding voting by mail.

Let’s be clear on this. Today, the President told Fox News that he wants to block funds to sabotage and undermine mail-in voting.

I don’t know what’s worse here. The fact that The President of the United States just said on live television that he wants to pretty much destroy the post office so people can’t vote or the fact that the bill he’s talking about blocking is a coronavirus relief bill! This rotten pumpkin growing mold in a sewer wants to hurt businesses and workers, delay relief to struggling Americans, and continue to needlessly let Americans die because he doesn’t want us to be able to vote.

The way that Trump has already begun to attack and undermine the USPS should horrify everyone. Have you noticed your mail has been slower? That’s because Trump’s new Postmaster General, a crony who bought his way into the position with millions of dollars in donations to Trump, has eliminated overtime at the post office, removed machines and fired or reassigned dozens of Post Office officials in a clear attempt to hurt America and voting.

This is so beyond unacceptable and dangerous, but what else can we expect from Trump?

“If we don’t make a deal, that means they don’t get the money. That means they can’t have universal mail-in voting. They just can’t have it,” Trump said today, not even hiding that’s he an enemy of democracy and the American people.

Democratic Congressional leaders and Senators are asking that the bad practices at USPS be investigated, and are hoping to fix the issue with laws, but when you have a monster in power like Donald Trump and another monster like Mitch McConnell failing to hold him accountable, there’s only so much that can be done.

And the thing to do … is vote. Find out now how you can vote safely and securely in your state. If you can vote by mail, do so as early as possible. Make a plan for election day so we can get this fascist lump of narcissism out of the White House.

(via Business Insider, image: SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

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Jessica Mason
Jessica Mason (she/her) is a writer based in Portland, Oregon with a focus on fandom, queer representation, and amazing women in film and television. She's a trained lawyer and opera singer as well as a mom and author.

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