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UNICEF Tap Project Trades Time on Your Phone for Clean Water for Children

If you don't do this for at least 10 minutes, you are history's greatest monster.

Unicef Tap Project

I’m sitting here at my desk sipping some clean, filtered, safe, and drinkable water while my phone goes untouched next to my laptop. The phone’s browser is open to the UNICEF Tap Project site, and for every ten minutes I go without touching it they’re donating a day’s worth of clean water to a child in need. You can, and should, do this too.

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The parallel UNICEF is trying to make is that getting clean water to those who need it is important and checking your phone all the time is not. I don’t buy into the idea that being so connected to my phone is really a problem, (I can stop anytime I want you guys. I swear.) but if all I have to do is put my phone down for ten minutes to help get clean water to a child in need then I’m completely on board.

Doing this on the go would be more of a challenge, but while I’m here at the office I can check things on my laptop instead of my phone, so I should really be able to run up the clock. The current record according to the UNICEF site is 17,000 minutes which is almost 12 days worth of no phone touching. I don’t think I’ll be able to hold out quite that long, but it’s certainly worth seeing how long I can go. So far I’m at about 25 minutes.

(via UNICEF)

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Glen Tickle
Glen is a comedian, writer, husband, and father. He won his third-grade science fair and is a former preschool science teacher, which is a real job.

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