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The Mary Sue Would Like You To Watch Violet & Daisy With Us in New York City!


Come on, you know you want to sit down and watch a movie with The Mary Sue staff. We promise not to talk or text. Or tweet. Or try to update the site.

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The Mary Sue wants to invite you to an exclusive New York City screening of Geoffrey S. Fletcher‘s Violet & Daisy, a surreal action comedy drama… okay, it’s a fun, weird movie about two teenage hitwomen (Saoirse Ronan and Alexis Bledel) and the job that changes their lives. We’re partnering with Bond Influence to host an exclusive screening of the film in just a few weeks, complete with snacks, drinks, and a Q&A with Geoffrey Fletcher himself, and we want you to be there.

In a minute I’ll tell you how you can get there, but first, the important spacetime details. If you can’t make it to this place at this time, you probably shouldn’t enter! (And if that’s the case then please don’t enter! You wouldn’t want to make our lives difficult, would you?)

Location: Meet at the Apartment, at 101 Crosby Street NY, NY 10012
Date: Monday, June 3rd
Time: 7PM – 10PM
Bond Influence says: “We’ll open the doors at 7PM, guests can come, grab a glass of wine or a soft drink, along with oatmeal cookies and a very abundant candy spread (we’ll even have Violet and Daisy branded lollipops), and get comfortable. The screening itself will start promptly at 7:30PM. Following the event, we’ll have the writer and director, Academy Award winner Geoffrey Fletcher there for a Q&A.”

So Here’s How to Come to Our Screening

Make a comment on this post that begins with the word:


Using a Disqus account that’s linked to your email address. (We’re having you say ENTRY! so that folks can also just generally talk in here if they like.) Some folks sign in through Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking sites: make sure your email address is available in your Disqus profile! We will choose the first X number of commenters, where X is equal to a number that we haven’t worked out exactly yet, but that’s going to be greater than thirty, so comment away, no matter how many have come before! If you’d like to bring one (1) guest, indicate that in your comment.

Three Very Important Things

  • Because we know things pop up at the last minute (TARDIS shows up on your doorstep, you volunteer as tribute, you get your letter to Hogwarts, we know how it is), and we want to offer this opportunity to as many people as possible, we’ll be adding lots of people to the list. This means that you should show up on time. Being on the list means you can get in, but not that you will if you arrive too late.
  • Your commenting account must link to a valid contact email address for you or you will be disqualified. We will be contacting all winners by email once they are randomly chosen. You must respond promptly to our email or you may not get on the list in time for the screening.
  • At the moment we’re not sure if Meet will be checking IDs for age restrictions (wine will be served, after all). We’ll have to get back to you on that one and we’ll update this post when we know. Fear not, under 21s, this event is open to all ages, though the movie’s probably at least a PG-13 for violence, kiddos.

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Jill Pantozzi
Jill Pantozzi is a pop-culture journalist and host who writes about all things nerdy and beyond! She’s Editor in Chief of the geek girl culture site The Mary Sue (Abrams Media Network), and hosts her own blog “Has Boobs, Reads Comics” ( She co-hosts the Crazy Sexy Geeks podcast along with superhero historian Alan Kistler, contributed to a book of essays titled “Chicks Read Comics,” (Mad Norwegian Press) and had her first comic book story in the IDW anthology, “Womanthology.” In 2012, she was featured on National Geographic’s "Comic Store Heroes," a documentary on the lives of comic book fans and the following year she was one of many Batman fans profiled in the documentary, "Legends of the Knight."

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