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Let’s Schedule a Road Trip For 2017, ‘Cause Washington DC’s Getting a Sci-Fi Museum

What It Says On the Tin

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The yet-unnamed museum has just been announced, but already I’m planning how I can best sneak in when it opens in early 2017. Screw visiting. I want to live there.

The museum’s creators, including executive director Greg Viggiano, plan for it to be a sci-fipalooza spanning literature, film, TV, music, video games, and art. Via Today:

The museum will showcase seven distinct galleries, featuring the creators, vehicles, time travel concepts, aliens, computers, robots and technology. The content will start with “Frankenstein” author Mary Shelley, considered by many the first sci-fi author, and run through to present-day material. “We’re going to try to cover sci-fi in a pretty comprehensive manner,” Viggiano said.

Oh, yes. Talk organization to me.

Viggiano also says the idea to create the museum came from there not already being “a comprehensive science-fiction museum here in the United States or internationally.” That… that can’t be true, can it? There’s the EMP Museum in Seattle, but only a corner of that is sci-fi (a wonderful corner though it is). No one’s created a museum exclusively for sci-fi already? What fresh hell is this?!

The long overdue museum is being funded by private donors and the hoi polloi like you and I. An Indiegogo has been set up to raise the funds for a “preview museum” that they hope to open in 2014. With 19 days left, they’ve raised approximately $25,000 of their $160,000 goal.

Donate what you can, but save up gas money for our trip. I’ll bring some sandwiches.


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