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‘We know what Donald Trump wants’: Kamala Harris is not standing for any more dictator-like behavior from Trump

Donald Trump at a Fox News town hall

Some disturbing revelations about Donald Trump have come to light today. John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, did two interviews where he discussed private comments made by Trump and his fear for the future should he become president.

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Trump apparently values loyalty, loyalty to the detriment of all else, in his minions. According to The Atlantic, which spoke to Kelly, Trump once declared, “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had. People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.” This comes after Trump has made comments about using the military to deal with “the enemy within,” i.e. anyone who doesn’t like him.

That’s not all. Remarks Trump made about Hitler in the past have also resurfaced. The Atlantic reported on a comment Kelly made in the book The Return of Great Powers by Jim Sciutto, and it’s truly disturbing. According to Kelly, Trump once said “Hitler did some good things” and pointed to the Germany economy. Kelly told him to never praise Hitler again.

Kamala Harris is not standing for this dictator-like behavior from Trump. She offered another warning to the American people today, October 23. Speaking from her home in Washington D.C., she said, “It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans.”

She went on, “Yesterday, we learned that Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler. Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution, he wants a military that is loyal to him.”

The danger Trump poses should be obvious by now, but polls continue to show Harris and Trump in deadlock. The fascistic remarks don’t put off his loyal supporters, and neither do the constant signs that Trump’s cognitive functions are diminishing.

“Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable,” Harris continued. “And in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to be the guard rails against his propensities and his actions. Those who once tried to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses, would no longer be there and no longer be there to rein him in.” Basically, imagine how bad Donald Trump’s first term as president was … and then imagine even worse.

“So the bottom line is this, we know what Donald Trump wants. He wants unchecked power. The question in 13 days will be, what do the American people want?” Harris concluded.

Harris’s running mate Tim Walz has also spoken out about Trump’s “Hitler’s generals” comments. “Don’t be the frog in the boiling water and think this is okay,” he told audience members at a rally in Wisconsin. “As a 24-year veteran of our military, that makes me sick as hell, and it should make you sick.” It’s going to be a long 13 days as we wait to find out whether Donald Trump, a man Kelly says “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist” will end up sitting in the White House once more.

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Sarah Barrett
Sarah Barrett (she/her) is a freelance writer with The Mary Sue who has been working in journalism since 2014. She loves to write about movies, even the bad ones. (Especially the bad ones.) The Raimi Spider-Man trilogy and the Star Wars prequels changed her life in many interesting ways. She lives in one of the very, very few good parts of England.

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