What Popular Websites Would Look Like As Fashionable Dresses
Fashion for Nonhumans
Apr 20th, 2012, 3:32 pm
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Victor Farentina (Neko-Vi on DeviantArt) has done something very unique. He’s combined fashion with the internet. No, he didn’t create a fashion website, he turned websites into dresses! Hit the jump for his take on Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, and more!
It all started with MegaUpload. Farentina writes, “I made this design in ‘memory’ of Megaupload, closed days ago. Now I’m going to start a new project design, make a dress-version of every big web communities and programs like Facebook, YouTube, Google or Yahoo!”
I would totally wear Wikipedia. Never thought I’d say that…but I think The Mary Sue needs one. I see it as a print of all our banner ladies.
(via So Geek Chic)
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