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Everything Carmen Sandiego Ever Stole, in List Form

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? is one of those cultural touchstones that tends to be fondly remembered by the valuable 18-34 demographic, and has inspired countless nostalgia-based Facebook groups to that end: It was one of the first computer games that was any fun, and one of the rare “edutainment” games of all time that wasn’t desperately snore-inducing.

Sure, you were forced to learn about geography from puzzlingly unhelpful townspeople, (they knew obscure landmarks in cities, but not the names of the cities themselves?) but you were also up against one of the most ingenious thieves of all time. She even managed to steal the game-winning puck from the Stanley Cup, the Strait of Magellan (how is that possible? –Ed.) and even a monkey-eating eagle. If you’ve got to learn that Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland to stop that sort of ruthless criminal, it’s worth it.

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Here, via Wikipedia, is a complete list of fifty things that Carmen Sandiego stole in Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?:

  1. The Khyber Pass
  2. The Steps To The Tango
  3. Uluru
  4. The Baton Used To Lead The Vienna Boys Choir
  5. The Fish From Half Of Lake Titicaca
  6. The Plans For This Year’s Carnival
  7. The Silver Pagoda
  8. The Game Winning Puck From The First Stanley Cup Championship
  9. The Strait Of Magellan
  10. The Keys To The Forbidden City
  11. Havana’s Best Cigars
  12. Hans Christian Andersen’s Writing Desk
  13. The Nile River Delta
  14. The Gargoyles From Notre Dame Cathedral
  15. The Keys From Beethoven’s First Piano
  16. The Olympic Flame
  17. The Best Coffee
  18. All The Goulash
  19. Geysir
  20. Gandhi’s Glasses
  21. The Island Of Bali
  22. The Presidential Palace’s Finest Rug
  23. The Salt From The Dead Sea
  24. The Sistine Chapel’s Ceiling
  25. The Snow From Atop Mt Fuji
  26. Nairobi International Airport
  27. Every Last Drop Of Salsa
  28. Casablanca
  29. The Abominable Snowman
  30. The Dykes
  31. All The Kiwi Birds
  32. The Delta Of The Niger River
  33. K2
  34. The Controls For The Panama Canal
  35. The Headwaters Of The Amazon River
  36. A Monkey-Eating Eagle
  37. The Trans-Siberian Railroad
  38. The Middle Of The Trans Arabian Pipeline
  39. The Statue Of Sir Stamford Raffles
  40. The Cape Of Good Hope
  41. The Secret Recipe For Kimchee
  42. The Bulls From Pamplona
  43. The Court Stage From Drottingholm Palace
  44. The Ngorongoro Crater
  45. The King’s Siamese Cat
  46. Every Anchovy From The Black Sea
  47. The Keys To The Tower Of London
  48. The Statue Of Liberty’s Torch
  49. The Mekong River
  50. The Zaire River Ferry

    (via Wikipedia; inspired by this Reddit thread.)

    Appendix: In table form, complete with locations stolen from and (spoiler) where you find them:

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