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‘What is wrong with you, dude?’: Ben Shapiro gets utterly destroyed trying to debate Kamala Harris voters

Ben Shapiro debates 25 Kamala Harris voters in Jubilee video

Right-wing pundit Ben Shapiro chose to follow in the footsteps of Charlie Kirk and go up against 25 Democrats in a debate. Unsurprisingly, he, too, was utterly destroyed.

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Conservative commentators always oddly overestimate their debating capabilities. During his attempt to debate 25 college students, Kirk humiliated himself by saying a six-week-old fetus has fingerprints and is equivalent to an 80-year-old with dementia. He also tried to equate a fetus to a mother’s vital organs and falsely claimed fetus means “little human being” in Latin. Of course, none of this was surprising, coming from a man who mistook a dolphin fetus for a human. Yet, even after watching the embarrassing Kirk video, Shapiro decided to try his hand at going up against 25 Kamala Harris voters.

It’s a strange choice, considering Shapiro’s go-to argument is that everything is “stupid,” including wanting to retire before you die. He also has an annoying habit of talking ultra-fast to sound smart, even though he’s usually stating complete nonsense, such as insisting that “air conditioning” is the solution to climate change. So, when Jubilee posted a video with Shapiro debating 25 Harris voters, we knew it was going to be quite entertaining.

Ben Shapiro gets obliterated in Jubilee debate

Shapiro quickly began trending on X as users shared highlights of the debate. The clip that got the most attention was when a trans man debated Shapiro, leaving the right-wing pundit speechless. The man, identified as Shane, sits across from Shapiro. As Shapiro tries to make a joke about them “cracking open a beer,” Shane immediately cuts him off, asking him questions about male pregnancy, sexual assault against males, the existence of trans men, and white supremacy.

He soon ties his argument together by pointing out that he and Shapiro share a lot in common in terms of gender and race. Yet, the government doesn’t have legislation controlling Shapiro’s body, only Shane’s because he has a vagina. Shapiro instantly tried to act as if the mention of genitalia weirded him out. However, Shane quickly pointed out that a considerable part of Shapiro’s platform is based on a weird fixation on private matters relating to sex and gender identity. Shane then demands to know why Shapiro can live out his “American dream,” but he can’t.

Shapiro protests that Shane is moving “very wildly” through terminology. He hasn’t realized yet that Shane is using his exact tactic against him of talking fast, jumping from subject to subject, and never listening to what his opponent says. When Shapiro realizes, it leaves him flustered and speechless. For a full four minutes, Shane lays into Shapiro about his attacks against the trans community and Black women, wanting to force women to have children instead of solving issues of gender violence, and voting for a “rapist” despite having a daughter. He asks outright, “What is wrong with you, dude?” Shapiro sits there dumbfounded, never so much as uttering a complete sentence, seemingly for once stunned by having his treatment of others thrown back in his face.

Needless to say, users couldn’t get enough of that clip. Despite all his bravado and cockiness, all it took was a fast talker and a single mention of “vagina” to get Shapiro to fall to pieces. Meanwhile, it was far from the only golden moment. In another scene, a man forces him to answer questions about why he’s losing his mind over the prospect of immigrants who come to the country to work and make it better getting a 401k and Social Security “40 years from now” and why he’s insulting the border patrol by falsely claiming they don’t screen immigrants. In response, Shapiro stutters and looks visibly stressed.

Another man confronted Shapiro about his belief that Trump should be president despite January 6. He got Shapiro to agree that Trump didn’t act quick enough to dispel the uprising and made inciteful comments about Mike Pence because he wanted to create chaos and violence. The man then turns Shapiro’s constant touting of “American values” back at him, explaining that Trump’s actions were the “antithesis to American values.”

Shapiro also tried to argue that all migrants must come into the country legally. In response, a Harris voter questioned why America is ignoring the root cause of illegal immigration, which is that it has a flawed system that puts immigrants through countless obstacles and forces them to wait ten years on average to become legal citizens. He was simply trying to argue that the context mattered, which Shapiro kept pointlessly trying to refute.

One of the most hilarious moments was when Shapiro started arguing that religion provides this “moral basis that transcends human affairs and human debate.” However, seconds later, he admitted that the Bible encouraged immoral practices, like enslaving people, that don’t apply today and only apply to people thousands of years ago. He doesn’t seem to realize that either the Bible’s code applies today or it doesn’t—he can’t just cherry-pick what Biblical morals are relevant today based on how closely they align with his views.

Ultimately, Shapiro got owned 25 times over. His opponents saw right through him as a fast-talking, nonsense-spewing man who gets flustered when people don’t just let him talk over them. Not only that, but every voter pointed out that he’s not concerned about fixing any real problems or considering the vital context for America’s issues, and he’s wishy-washy when it comes to his supposed strict moral code and American values.

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Rachel Ulatowski
Rachel Ulatowski is a Staff Writer for The Mary Sue, who frequently covers DC, Marvel, Star Wars, literature, and celebrity news. She has over three years of experience in the digital media and entertainment industry, and her works can also be found on Screen Rant, JustWatch, and Tell-Tale TV. She enjoys running, reading, snarking on YouTube personalities, and working on her future novel when she's not writing professionally. You can find more of her writing on Twitter at @RachelUlatowski.

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