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Keep Wi-Fi Out, Or In, With This Signal Blocking Wallpaper

Sure, you can password protect your Wi-Fi router, but you can’t exactly keep your precious Internet from seeping out of your house or apartment and over to your neighbors. Or can you? Thanks to some new-fangled wallpaper due to go on sale by the Finnish company Alhstrom in 2013, you can make your residence Internet-tight, keeping all your Internet in and everyone else’s Internet out. After all, you’ve got to be conservative with your limited supply of Internets, right?

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Using special patterns of silver crystals, the wallpaper forms a wall that can actually block signal intrusion — from either side — unlike your regular walls. I know silver crystals sound expensive, but by all reports, the wallpaper won’t be that much more expensive than your normal wallpaper, and if the design irks you a little bit, don’t worry; you can obscure it with paint. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? You accidentally double-block Wi-Fi signals?

If you really don’t like wallpaper, you can always pick up some Wi-Fi blocking paint, but both solutions have their holes. You still need a Wi-Fi blocking floor, for instance, and a Wi-Fi blocking ceiling. Until we get Wi-Fi blocking carpets and Wi-Fi blocking plaster, your little Wi-Fi bubble remains incomplete. You could just wallpaper the floor and ceiling, but allow me to suggest a WPA2 encrypted network with a strong password. Trust me, it’s easier that way.

(via Technabob)

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