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‘Suzume’ Looks Incredible. Here’s Where, When, and How To Watch This New Anime

Suzume standing in front of a door
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So I was on Hulu the other day engaging in one of my favorite pastimes: watching anime. I gave up watching this kid yelling about hokages and whatever and picked up where I left off watching Mushi-Shi, one of Hulu’s cool anime. After vibing to the anime world’s chillest theme song, my vibe was torn asunder by a commercial break. I was about to get up and grab a snack, unwilling to let my eyes be assaulted by images of whichever car America wants to sell me this week.

But this commercial was not about a car. It was a trailer. For an anime. FINALLY! CAPITALISM UNDERSTANDS ME. I sat back down and let myself be transported into a world of plucky high schoolers opening magic doors and yelling each other’s names! It looked action-packed! Romantic! Fantastical! It ticked the three out of three boxes for the stuff I like to watch! But what in heaven’s name could this magical anime be? Reader, the anime film in question is called Suzume.

I became frantic: Where can I watch it? Crunchyroll perhaps? Are my Hulu days numbered? Will I be breaking up with the kelly green streaming machine and giving my money to another streaming service?

Related: Top 10 Best Harem Anime of All Time on Twinfinite

Where can I watch Suzume? Is it on Crunchyroll or what?!

I regret to inform you that Suzume is not currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

Don’t cry! I beg of you! Because this is GOOD NEWS. Suzume isn’t currently on Crunchyroll because it is coming to THEATERS. How do I know? Because Crunchyroll said so! After all, Crunchyroll is teaming up with Sony, Wild Bunch International, and Eurozoom to distribute the film across the world! Yes! This means that you finally have a reason to leave your house other than to forage for Hot Pockets at 7-Eleven. You get to go outside, hiss at the cruel sun for burning your sensitive skin, and then retreat into the cool and sticky darkness of the movie theater to watch anime on the BIG SCREEN. It’s a dream come true!

The film was slated to premiere in theaters on April 12, 2023. That means that it may already be playing at a theater near you. The last place the film is premiering is in the Czech Republic on May 26, so unless you live there, you can probably see it RIGHT NOW.

While there are no current plans to release the film on Crunchyroll for streaming, that’s likely because Crunchyroll is waiting for the film to finish its theatrical run before making it available online. So watch it now! Then once again, later! It’s like eating half a Hot Pocket and then heating up a frozen one in the microwave at a later date! There is no greater joy.

(featured image: Toho)

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Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.

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