Woman Sues Walmart For $0.02 Price Discrepancy, Wins $180, Not as Frivolous as It Sounds
From the get-go, this case seems to have all the hallmarks of frivilous, “I’ll sue you and your dog!” litigation, but Bach claims there’s more to it and I’m inclined to believe her. This is not Bach’s first suit against Walmart. In fact, she’s sued five times in the past for exactly the same thing: Being charged more money than the listed price. While it’s only a few cents, given the freqeuncy of the event and the number of customers Walmart has daily, Back thinks this amounts to some serious unearned, dishonest revenue.
This story, despite having a distinct weird-news vibe, also relates back to a growing problem we’re seeing in the corporate world today: Patent trolling. While the two have their differences (and a lot of them) both function on the basic concept of gleaning small (or sometimes not so small) amounts of money from arguably innocent parties and leveraging the loss against a larger loss or massive inconvenience. It seems insane for Bach to have sued (five times no less) over a matter of cents, but from a matter of principle, it really is something worth fighting and calling attention to. So far, the litigation hasn’t any result on policy it seems, but although it might be easy to label Bach as the woman who sued over 2 cents, she’s really the woman who bothered to sue over a matter of principle, because principle is worth way more to her than it is to the rest of us. Good on her.
(via Jezebel)
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