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Women You Should Know Show Young Star Wars Fan It’s OK to Be Geeky

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Sarah recently wrote to Women You Should Know (WYSK) about her daughter Ellie, who loves Star Wars, Minecraft, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Sarah told WYSK that her daughter is “tenderhearted, empathetic, sweet, and quiet,” but has trouble fitting in because not a lot of girls share her hobbies. “She longs to find friends who accept her for who she is and for what her interests are,” wrote Sarah.

WYSK was excited to participate and let Ellie know that Star Wars and other things she likes aren’t “just for boys.”

Meet Ellie… she’s a HUGE Star Wars fan, and she loves Minecraft and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Awesome! In less than 2 weeks…

Posted by Women You Should Know on Monday, October 5, 2015

So Ellie got an awesome surprise at her Star Wars themed party when she turned 10 last Sunday, receiving a series of messages from women sharing their mutual geekiness with her and encouraging her to like what she likes. Lots of women shared their personal stories of not immediately finding their community of women with similar interests, but letting Ellie know that they’re out there and they’d love to spar and quotes Star Wars with her. Many shared pictures and stories of their own children who love Star Wars, gadgets, and Doctor Who. It’s very sad to see girls give up or hide things they like because they’re “boy things” (or boys rejecting “girly things”), so reading through the collective birthday messages telling Ellie that she’s super cool is heartwarming. Here are a few:

Happy Birthday Ellie! Stay true to yourself always. Don’t let anyone ever bring you down. As you go through life you will meet more like-minded people for sure. When you are an adult you’ll be so happy you were a cool, intelligent young lady who followed her own path. It truly is worth it to be yourself.” – Robyn Paula

“Stay the way you are Ellie, don’t change for anyone. You are a Super Nova! Oh and have a very Happy Birthday!” – Helen Nolan

“Happy birthday Ellie! I am a self confessed geek and love star wars too! Don’t let anyone change who you are or what you like you will find friends who are just as geeky as you! Have a fab day! xx” – Emma Barrett

Sarah’s birthday message for Ellie is also very sweet and it’s great to see such a supportive mother:

“Happy birthday, my darling Ellie! You amaze me with your kind heart. You astound me with your bravery when it comes to standing up for your brother, Evan. You are fiercely loyal and I admire that so much about you! You may not fully understand this whenever I tell you this, but you are truly braver and far more sure of yourself that I ever was as a child, or as a teen and as a large portion of adulthood too. You are uniquely you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Never stop being you… for anyone. You are who you are for a reason. Hold your head up high and keep being You! I love you with all of my heart and soul!! I am so lucky to get to be your (and Evan’s) mom!!”

Keep rockin’ Ellie, and happy belated birthday from The Mary Sue!

(image via  Women You Should Know)

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