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Google Doodle Celebrates The Anniversary of Yosemite Park, Which Was Also Shut Down

Hope Yogi Bear has a back-up stash of Pic-a-nic baskets handy.

yosemite doodle

It’s Yosemite National Park’s 123rd birthday today! Ahh, yes, the majesty of Yosemite. Won’t it be nice to take a trip down there to — wait, what’s that? It’s closed because of the government shutdown? Oh. Well, that didn’t stop Google from celebrating, at least.

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Because Yosemite National Park is considered a nonessential government agency and will close — along with all other national parks, monuments, and museums — to all day visitors starting today. Overnight visitors will be given the opportunity to pack up all their stuff, first, but they’ll be kicked out soon enough as well. All commercial services at the park will also cease. The whole process is expected to take about four days to get everyone out.

But it’s not all bad news for nature lovers! At least someone is enjoying the shutdown.

We suspect the bear will change his tune once he realizes that those trash bins are going to be empty real soon. Hey, there’s an idea — let’s introduce congress to some of the constituents affected by their shutdown, namely this hungry bear. Bet that’ll solve everything.

(via Christian Science Monitor)

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