This is a Fluttershy AAC Honey Badger Rifle, and someone needs to make it. Come to think of it, My Little Pony firearms are so genius, there must be a few of them around by now. We did a short search and, true to form, there are a number of real My Little Pony guns. But not enough.
TheBadPanda2 has a cool collection of ‘shopped firearms at his DeviantArt gallery, two of them My Little Pony-inspired.
We got curious so we started looking for real ones. The Internet netted us just 3 firearms, all of them patterned with Rainbow Dash. I understand how Rainbow Dash is obviously best pony for firearms, but imagine the maniacal terror a huge Pinkie Pie submachine gun can inspire. It might shoot confetti, it might not, and it’s always ready to party!
We also found a Luna holster which, while still badass, is not a gun.
[geekovision id=104]
(via Neatorama)
Published: Jul 17, 2012 12:35 pm