Corrections Policy
When a factual error occurs in a story, The Mary Sue requires a correction to be made promptly and a clear acknowledgement to be noted at the end of the story. We do not require acknowledgments to be made for typographical errors.
We encourage our reporters to flag factual errors in their own reporting and their colleagues’. If readers spot a factual error, please reach out to us at
Ethics & Diversity Policy
The Mary Sue Editors:
- Take responsibility for the accuracy & reliability of content, and will use original sources whenever it is possible.
- Take context into consideration, and provide full and appropriate context whenever necessary
- Grant anonymity only to those who may face physical harm, danger, or professional consequences
- Give subjects of news coverage ample and fair time to respond to questions and the opportunity to give quotes in response to an article
- Hold those with power accountable for their actions and give those without a voice an opportunity to be heard
- Seek out more diverse voices and sources on the topics we cover
- Constantly look for opportunities to diversify our reader base & editorial staff
- Are committed to creating and maintaining an open and inclusive workplace
- Are transparent about paid content—clearly label sponsored articles
- Never plagiarize
- Use sensitivity when covering victims of sex crimes, juveniles, or those who are unable to give consent
- Avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any unavoidable conflicts
- Refuse gifts or monetary compensation in exchange for coverage that will compromise journalistic integrity or credibility