The Taiwanese animation mavens at Apple Daily have evolved beyond simply retelling news stories with quirky Machinima into the realm of high art. Consider their latest short, which covers the iPhone 4 saga.
Not only does it manage to succinctly cover the basics of the controversy, the allegations of worker exploitation by Foxconn, the police raid on Gizmondo Gizmodo editor Jason Chen‘s suspiciously warehouse-like home, Consumer Reports‘ bombshell review, and Apple’s free bumper offer, all in under two minutes, but it equips Steve Jobs with a Darth Vader helmet and a lightsaber, turns AT&T logos into literal balls-and-chains, and depicts the Reality Distortion field as a literal electric-blue forcefield. In short, the writers for the new Futurama should be a little worried for their jobs right about now.
Video below:
Thanks, Jon.
Published: Jul 19, 2010 08:45 am