The squid in this video are human-sized, five- to six-foot long cephalopods. They’re also showing off quite a bit, giving scientists some pretty useful glimpses into their communication habits. Among them: Flashing red and white, and touching their cephalopod arms all up on each other, possibly in an attempt to get frisky.
Here’s what Standford University doctoral student Hannah Rosen had to say about the display:
The frequency and phase relationships [synchronization] between squid during flashing can be changed and this suggests that there is some information being conveyed that makes minute control over these details important to the squid. A view into this previously secret world was like a dream come true.
Related: Squid are terrifying, awesome, and some have hypno-powers.
(via The Huffington Post) (Image via BBC)
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Published: Jan 24, 2015 06:32 pm