I know I’ve heard characters on sitcoms refer to women as “a 10” or “a 5,” but do any actual human men ever do that? To be fair, Donald Trump is less “human man” and more “nightmare made flesh.”
During an interview with The New York Times last weekend, Trump mentioned Heidi Klum and his thoughts on the supermodel’s looks: “sadly, she’s no longer a 10.” Klum was supremely indifferent to the sad clown’s opinion:
#TrumpHasSpoken #sadly #9.99 #NoLongerA10 #IHadAGoodRun #donaldtrump #trumped #HeidiTrumpsTrump #BeautyIsI
Posted by Heidi Klum on Monday, August 17, 2015
During an interview on Tuesday with Access Hollywood, Klum also asked why her (or any woman’s) appearance would be acceptable to bring up in the context of a political race:
Firstly, I have no idea what I have to do with the election. Why do I come into play with this election, that doesn’t make sense to me to be honest with you. I was just making light of the situation because it was kind of funny. But really, the whole entire situation about women is not really funny, you know, to put a number on a woman. We juggle so many things and I feel that, you know, women who support their families, who have children, who make their lunches, drive them all over the place, work at the same time, I mean, we do so many things, so in my book, every woman is a 10.
I appreciate Klum pointing out that, although elements of Trump’s behavior are amusing, “the whole entire situation about women is not really funny.”
It’s pathetic to a comedic extent for someone to feel so threatened by powerful women that he resorts to period jokes, harassing tweets, and insults about appearance, but it’s not funny at all to think that Trump could normalize misogyny for some of the electorate; or that his antics might make the more insidious sexism of other Republicans seem harmless by comparison.
Attention, Men of America: women do not care where you think we fall on a 10-point scale. Considering how this race is shaping up, we have way bigger things to worry about.
(via Business Insider and Mashable, image via Andrew Cline / Shutterstock.com)
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Published: Aug 20, 2015 7:20 PM UTC