*Well, a significant number of mine, at least. Certainly not all. Spoiler warning for the video above and the blocked-out text below!
In a lengthy interview with Collider prior to the release of Captain America: Civil War, directors Joe and Anthony Russo shared a ton of background information into why they made some of the decisions they did for the film, such as: You can read a transcript of some of their answers over on Collider, but beware of spoilers.
- Here’s a roundup detailing the saga of Chuck Tingle, the Hugo Awards, and the new niche erotic novel, Slammed in the Butt By My Hugo Award Nomination.
- Universal Studios was so concerned about what homophobes would think of Xena: Warrior Princess that they went to extreme lengths in the show’s opening credits sequence to make Xena and Gabrielle not seem like a couple. (via io9)
- Boaty McBoatface has been named Sir David Attenborough.
@wusa9 Baby Beaver on the loose outside Van Ness UDC Metro #dcnews #dcist @DCist pic.twitter.com/6rwbKoyeD2
— Jonathan Murray (@Adamalthus) May 4, 2016
A baby beaver was lost in D.C. earlier this week and my heart couldn’t stand it. Thankfully, D.C. Animal Care rescued the babby beaves and returned them to the wild. (via Daily Dot)
That’s what we saw lying around the series of tubes today! What about you?
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Published: May 9, 2016 11:17 PM UTC