Amy Schumer Invites Sexist Heckler on Stage, Righteously Shaming Him in Front of Crowd

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Amy Schumer was recently doing a standup set in Stockholm, Sweden, when a drunk heckler yelled what hecklers often yell from the crowd: “Show us your t***!” Rather than ignoring it or even heckling back from the stage, Schumer, without missing a beat, replied, “OK, wait. I want the guy who just yelled that to come up here. It’s too good. Everybody point at him so I know which one.”

Of course, since hecklers just gobble up attention, the dude got on stage. And, perhaps unsurprisingly, he was wearing a shirt that said “I love [redacted term for female genitalia].” Real nice, guy. Schumer poked some fun at him, asking what he did (sales), then said, “Sales. How’s that workin’ out? Is it going well? ‘Cause we’re not buying it.” So after Schumer told security to let him go and warned him to not shout again, what do you think he did?

Yeah, he shouted again, only this time what he said was apparently unintelligible. Security ended up finally taking him out to applause and a wave goodbye from Schumer.

As I said earlier, hecklers are usually folks trying to steal some bit of spotlight from whoever’s on stage. They yell and make fun of the brightest target, hoping for attention. Normally, replying to a heckler in the crowd encourages them, bolstering their resolve and getting them to double down on heckling. This, in turn, requires more focus from the person on stage, thus effectively derailing the show for everyone.

A skilled enough comedian or comedienne can defuse and dismantle a heckler with a few well-placed jokes. Schumer, a tried-and-true expert at attacking awkward situations, took it to the next level by inviting the guy up on stage to shame and heckle him right back. Of course, it didn’t exactly end up stopping him, but he absolutely ended up serving as somewhat of an example to the rest of the crowd.

The lesson here is universal: don’t be a jerk. Just don’t. Especially not to Amy Schumer.

(via E! Online)

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Image of Jessica Lachenal
Jessica Lachenal
Jessica Lachenal is a writer who doesn’t talk about herself a lot, so she isn’t quite sure how biographical info panels should work. But here we go anyway. She's the Weekend Editor for The Mary Sue, a Contributing Writer for The Bold Italic (, and a Staff Writer for Spinning Platters ( She's also been featured in Model View Culture and Frontiers LA magazine, and on Autostraddle. She hopes this has been as awkward for you as it has been for her.