Republicans finally have their long-awaited chance to tear down the Affordable Care Act championed by President Obama, and despite Donald Trump’s insistence that it would be a great plan that covers everyone, it is … not that. In fact, those who experience a lapse in coverage under the new law will find it 30% more expensive to regain healthcare coverage. Freedom!
Under GOP bill, anyone who goes w/o health coverage for two months or more would face a 30% surcharge on premiums for a year.
— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) March 6, 2017
Instead of paying a tax to the government, which is tyranny, you’ll pay a penalty to a corp, which is freedom
— Luke O’Neil (@lukeoneil47) March 6, 2017
Of course, none of us are that surprised, considering the GOP has gone to (what would be, if this weren’t so awful) comical lengths to keep this bill a secret in order to contain the obvious backlash from decisions like stripping the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. So, everyone came ready with the memes:
Obamacare vs Trumpcare
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) March 7, 2017
Obama care vs #Trumpcare
— Rogue POTUS Staffer (@RoguePOTUStaff) March 7, 2017
Obamacare Vs. #Trumpcare #ReplaceRepealRepaint
— Rob Edwards (@voxrob) March 7, 2017
Obamacare vs. Trumpcare
— Peter Sullivan ☘ (@CitizenSullivan) March 7, 2017
Obamacare vs. Trumpcare
— Tim (@zentrospective) March 7, 2017
Obamacare vs. the GOP replacement
— Glen Tickle (@glentickle) March 7, 2017
There’s also #GOPHealthPlanin10Words, which people are using to more seriously highlight some of the plan’s reprehensible shortcomings:
Don’t grow old. Don’t get sick. Don’t be a woman. #GOPHealthPlanIn10Words
— Sameet Kumar (@sameetkumar) March 7, 2017
The GOP, on the other hand, came ready with their regularly scheduled financial shaming, with ACA-hating-“Tea Party”-backed Representative Jason Chaffetz insinuating that people who are sick shouldn’t be able to afford anything in life aside from managing their illness:
New iPhone = $28/month for 2 years
Employer health insurance high deductible plan for family of 4 = $1416/month, increases every year.— Vanessa North (@byVanessaNorth) March 7, 2017
And to top it all off, the written language of the bill actually refers to the Affordable Care Act as Obamacare, which has always been a GOP tactic for trying to undermine the law. If Internet comments revealing that some Trump voters don’t actually know that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are really the same thing are any indication, it worked, and it’s sickening to see that kind of smear campaign make it into a new “healthcare” law.
House draft ACA replacement bill includes sweetener for healthcare CEOs, allowing deduction of pay above $500,000/yr
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) March 6, 2017
(image via ABC/Conan/edits)
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Published: Mar 7, 2017 10:26 am