At the beginning of this month we had a little celebration: after all, we’d turned an adorable one years old! And we gave ourselves a little present: three new logos inspired by a female fictional character of the geek pantheons. The fourth logo, we left up to you guys. She joined the rotation today, and you can see her behind the jump!
As those of you who were watching the poll with eagle eyes, this might not come as a surprise. Hermione Granger emerged as an early favorite and stayed there, out numbering the second runner up, Zoe Washburn, by about 30%. Here’s a cosplaying lady logo inspired by her, designed, as all our logos are, by Christianne Goudreau.
Of course, there’s the little matter of our presents to the randomly selected voters in our poll! We will be contacting winners through Facebook soon.
Published: Mar 23, 2012 03:41 pm