At some point in your life, perhaps during those tender years in school, you met a Melvin. He (or she!) was the one that stood up and reminded the teacher to collect the homework. The one who always corrected the science teacher. The one that asked weird, leading questions of the professor that made everyone — even the prof — silently groan. Such is Melvin, a derivation of the Troll comics central character, reborn as a pedantic nerd. (Warning: In the comics that ensue, some F-bombs will be dropped, in frustration.)
Perhaps you have no idea what I am talking about. Maybe you have been blessed and have never met a Melvin. But keep in mind it’s quite probable that if you don’t know a Melvin, you probably are one.
[geekovision id=19]
(All images taken from Mayhem Forums, Rage Comic Archive, Funny Reblogger, NowhereBoy, NLBreezy,Fookyouverymuch, Forever Alone Comic, and Reddit users josephsh, drakeypoo, burritonacho, gorillapoop, englishplz,rosconotorigina; if we missed an attribution, let us know in the comments.)
Published: Feb 7, 2011 02:08 pm