Bad Batch Season 2 poster including Echo, Crosshair, Hunter, Omega, Tech, and Wrecker

Celebrating the Best Siblings in ‘Star Wars’

“We’re not really family, but you’re like a sister to me.” - Ezra Bridger

Star Wars has always been about family, but some special attention should be paid to the wide range of sibling relationships explored in a galaxy far, far away. Here are the twelve best sibling relationships in Star Wars.

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Son & Daughter

The Personifications of the Light Side and Dark Side of the Force, the Son and the Daughter are two sides of the same coin. The Daughter is willing to kill her brother to prevent him from escaping their homeworld and wreaking havoc on the galaxy, but she also tells her father to forgive the Son when he accidentally kills her. The Son is willing to kill his father to allow him to leave the world but mourns his sister and calls her “the only one I truly loved.”

In short, this family might be the only one more messy than the Skywalkers.

Satine Kryze & Bo-Katan Kryze

While the two had a sort-of cute reunion in The Lawless, it’s marred by the fact that 1) Bo-Katan was part of a terrorist organization trying to take down Satine’s government and 2) Bo-Katan almost never mentions Satine after her death unless it’s to guilt trip Obi-Wan Kenobi for not doing more to save Mandalore from a problem she helped create.

Also, these two apparently have a sibling that has never been mentioned, unless their nephew, Korkie Kryze, isn’t actually their nephew.

Owen Lars & Anakin Skywalker

Anakin and Owen have basically no relationship as adult stepbrothers, but I respect Owen for being willing to take in Luke with no questions asked and doing his best to raise a Skywalker kid despite knowing the danger. I think the biggest irony of A New Hope is that Owen and Beru were killed by the Empire, not for harboring the biggest secret in the galaxy, but for purchasing two stolen droids.

Sola Naberrie & Padme Amidala

Did you know Padme had a sister? I’m not even talking about the animated shows, she was in live-action; Sola Naberrie shows up at Padme’s funeral before her scenes were deleted from Attack of the Clones. I’m still salty that Luke and Leia don’t seem to know that they have family on their mother’s side, including two cousins who aren’t much older than them. However, there are some recent books that have shown a little more of Sola and Padme’s relationship, which is nice.

Trace & Rava Martez

These sisters grew up on the lower levels of Coruscant, only being able to depend on themselves and each other. They’re both hot messes who are constantly messing things up, but I kind of admire them for that. The most honest depiction of a sibling relationship is doing things on assumptions or getting dragged into a sibling’s mess and then making it worse.

Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa

It pains me to put Luke and Leia so low on this list as I do love Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill’s friendship so much. But they’re also the only Star Wars siblings who’ve kissed.

Even beyond that, Luke is honestly not the greatest brother to Leia. I can forgive Luke and Leia for most of their actions in the Original Trilogy, which were made out of ignorance of their true relationship. But in the sequels, Luke tries to kill his sister’s son, cementing Kylo Ren’s turn to the Dark Side, and then abandons her when she needs him most. Their reunion in The Last Jedi is sweet but made bitter by the fact that Luke is not physically there.

Cassian Andor & Kerri

Giving Cassian a sister was honestly unexpected, but it does redefine him as a man who cares deeply for his family. Cassian and his sister lost their parents to a Republic mining disaster and Cassian was kidnapped/rescued by his adoptive parents and forced to leave her behind. Nevertheless, he keeps searching for her over a decade later, desperately hoping she survived and escaped somehow. His continued search might be more out of a sense of survivor’s guilt than brotherly love, but it still means a lot that he’s never given up hope that she’s alive.

Saw and Steela Gerrera

Steela and Saw were siblings fighting to free their homeworld of Onderon during The Clone Wars. They freed their planet, at the cost of Steela’s life. Despite her loss, Saw still carries a holo-picture of her with him at all times, with it being the only thing he has left of her after he was forced to leave Onderon.

Savage Oppress, Feral Oppress, and Maul

“As long as I still live, you will not harm him.” I don’t care if he’s a dark-sider, Savage is literally the best brother. He doesn’t care if his brothers are a weakling runt or a bisected trash spider who has gone mad with rage, he will be there for his brothers and care for them. It makes it all the more tragic when he is forced to kill Feral and then is killed by Palpatine to punish Maul. Maul is less than a stellar brother, prioritizing his brother’s dark side training over their relationship, but he mourns Savage and tries to take Ezra Bridger on as an apprentice to fill the hole Savage’s death left behind.

Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker

“You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you.” While not literal brothers (probably!), this is another complex relationship that was made more difficult by the fact that Anakin saw Obi-Wan as a father figure. Obi-Wan did his best, but he was young and honestly not ready to take on a padawan like Anakin and made a lot of mistakes along the way. Which, of course, gave Palpatine the in he needed as a “mentor”/father figure to his future apprentice. At the same time, if Anakin had chosen to leave the Order at the end of the Clone Wars (which was arguably his plan if you go by the Clone Wars comics), I think Obi-Wan might have gone with him.

Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger

When Sabine and Ezra first meet, Ezra is immediately attracted to her, despite Sabine’s numerous attempts to brush him off. Despite the awkward start, the two young rebels grow to have a deep friendship and trust each other completely. This takes a tragic turn when Sabine helps Ezra surrender himself to the Empire and then stays on Lothal to protect his homeworld. By the time we meet her in the Ahsoka show, it’s clear she still misses him greatly and feels guilt that she survived and got to experience the peace he fought so hard for. I can’t wait for their reunion.

The Entire Clone Army

The Clone Wars animated show turned the clone army from living automatons into compelling characters who we wanted to see win and survive, even if we knew tragedy was inevitable.

It’s honestly difficult to rank the best Clone brothers so here are some of my favorites.

Waxer, Boil, and Numa – Two clones protect a Twi-Lek girl after her town is occupied by Separatist droids, and she calls the two “Nerra” which means brother. Rebels reveals that adult Numa is now a rebel fighting the Empire in clone armor implied to be from the surviving clone.

The Domino Squad –  the Rookies (Droidbait, Cutup, Heavy, Fives, and Echo), almost all of whom died when protecting Kamino and their brothers on the planet from a secret Separatist invasion.

Rex & Cody – They are as iconic as Obi-Wan and Anakin and I want to see them fight together one last time.

The Bad Batch – Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair, Echo, and Omega are at the heart of the Bad Batch, and their love for each other as siblings goes beyond shared DNA. The Batch made a commitment to take care of their little sister Omega and they have done a pretty solid job at it thus far. The thing I want most out of the next season of Bad Batch, apart from a reunion, is to see Boba Fett come back and meet Omega.

(Dishonorable mention goes to Commander Fox for killing Fives and Seargent Slick for turning traitor.)

(featured image: Disney)

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Image of Kimberly Terasaki
Kimberly Terasaki
Kimberly Terasaki is a contributing writer for The Mary Sue. She has been writing articles for them since 2018, going on 5 years of working with this amazing team. Her interests include Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Horror, intersectional feminism, and fanfiction; some are interests she has held for decades, while others are more recent hobbies. She liked Ahsoka Tano before it was cool, will fight you about Rey being a “Mary Sue,” and is a Kamala Khan stan.