When will this saga end? Just when I think that I’ve finally been freed from the Lauren Boebert groping session at Beetlejuice The Musical, she brings me back in with some other nonsense. The lesson from this should be that acting that way in public is wrong and that maybe she should not act like she has a right to decide other people’s existence isn’t appropriate. Instead, she decided that the man she was with wouldn’t get a “second” date, and his political affiliation was the real problem. Now, Lauren.
This situation was a woman going on a “first” date (we’ll address that in a bit) and acting quite literally like a fool in public. Boebert has made a mockery of herself time and time again by calling everyone else out for how they act, so when she does anything wrong, the internet latches onto it. Granted, her litany of guns and gross comments on anything left-leaning are all worthy of being called out, but arguing with people like Boebert is like arguing with a brick wall.
Going and making a fool of herself at Beetlejuice was a teachable moment for a Republican figurehead who constantly saw herself as better than everyone else, but alas, that’s not how she’s taking this situation. Instead, she’s using it as a moment for herself to become a Republican darling yet again by acting like she just needed to see the red tide light once again. And of course, it’s filled with lies from Boebert’s team and even more nonsense to unpack.
We love to see a drag queen callout
Boebert used this as an excuse to say she will only date Republicans, telling TMZ that she’ll check their party registration in the future. At the Beetlejuice incident, she was on a date with Quinn Gallagher, who owns a queer bar in Denver that has drag nights and celebrates the queer community and drag queens as a whole. What’s delightful is that drag queens protect those who look out for them, and now a queen named Kendra Matic, who didn’t like the relationship in the first place, is talking about how this wasn’t the pair’s first date, as Boebert said.
Matic also talked to TMZ. She said they were dating for months and that she didn’t approve of the relationship. “I don’t like this girl,” she said of Boebert. “I don’t understand why she has that hate speech all the time. We don’t do anything wrong. I don’t harm anyone. Who cares what I do in my bed or if I’m gay or not? I don’t know why people care so much about what you do in your bed. At least I do that in my bed and not in a theater.”
Not only did Boebert have the chance to learn from this experience and maybe not slam the queer community time and time again and maybe grow as a person, but she is still lying through her teeth and being called out every single chance she gets. Will she ever learn? Probably not!
(featured image: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
Published: Sep 22, 2023 04:12 pm