After 25 years of high-seas adventures with Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates, One Piece mangaka Eiichiro Oda has launched the first story arc of the Final Saga. The Egghead Arc will be the next anime arc for the long-running series, which will pick up with episode 1086. Our friends at Crunchyroll dropped new artwork and a first-look trailer for the highly anticipated Egghead Arc.
The trailer looks rad!
The teaser trailer features Luffy shouting, “Wow! What is all this stuff?!” and honestly, same. Egghead Island, also known as Future Island, sports futuristic buildings, giant robots, punk records, genius scientists, and more. Our favorite characters are also sporting some cool new looks while retaining their signature style.
Fans also get a glimpse of their favorite characters in the gorgeous artwork that premiered as well. I’m here for this retro-futuristic Jetsons vibe. This new arc picks up after the Wano Country Arc, with the Straw Hats landing on Egghead Island and meeting legendary scientist Dr. Vegapunk. They also encounter Vegapunk’s six clones, who embody different aspects of his personality. Our gang must contend with the encroaching Navy and Cipher Pol, which dealing with a traitor within their midst.
Okay, but when can I watch it?
One Piece‘s Egghead Arc will premiere on Crunchyroll on January 7, 2024. In the meantime, you can catch up on the Wano Country Arc, and any other arcs you may have missed out on. Maybe this adventure will lead the gang to the long-awaited One Piece? Hmm, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
(featured image: Toei Animation)
Published: Nov 26, 2023 9:48 PM UTC