Kamala Harris imposed over an astrology diagram
(Andrew Harnik/Getty Images, Astro.com)

Kamala Harris Is Going to Trounce Trump in November, According to Astrology

This weekend’s shock announcement by President Joe Biden that he would not be seeking election was no surprise to the astrology community.

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This community has been saying for years that Biden would face a difficult, if not impossible road to a second term. They’ve also been steadfast that one person has a clear-cut path to glory and spoilers, it’s not the convicted felon and adjudicated sexual predator. It’s none other than Madame Vice President Kamala Harris!

Now, look, before we get into it, I’m not here to sway hearts and minds as to the efficacy of astrology. You either buy into it, or you don’t, but the nice thing is, there are a lot of astrologers out there who have been showing their work for years. Here’s one of my favorites talking about Biden’s tough path to victory in 2024, published in August of 2023:

And there is yet one more challenging transit ahead, when Saturn will cross his IC (and oppose his Midheaven) from May to August of 2024 and then again in February and March of 2025. Saturn crossing the IC (which happens approximately every 28 years) usually corresponds to at least one major significant ending in our life. There is a strong sense that a particular chapter (or book) has reached a permanent conclusion.


So, back to Joe Biden. I cannot “predict” anything. What I can say is that this particular combination of transits could point to any (or all) of the following themes emerging for him over the next two and a half years:

  • very difficult period for his political career
  • The end of his political career
  • A disruptive family event that takes a significant emotional toll on him
  • A significant decline in health
Astrology with Andy

Former president and convicted rapist Donald Trump also faces a tough path to a second term, from the same post as above:

Astrologers do not have crystal balls, but we can get a sense of what the coming landscape looks like for someone. In other words, will they be metaphorically walking through a calm meadow or attempting to walk a tightrope 500 feet in the air while blindfolded. I must say I am floored by the number of challenging and difficult solar arc progressions Donald Trump will experience between now and the end of 2025.


Transiting Uranus conjunct his natal Midheaven and opposite his natal IC (a ‘sneak peek’ of this transit’s potential July – September of 2023; fully active April 2024 – May 2025, with the first major hit in May and June of 2024, the second in November and December of 2024, and the last in February, March, and April of 2025): Here, disruptive and curveball-throwing Uranus is simultaneously impacting two sensitive angles: one that deals with career and one’s public persona (the Midheaven) and one that impacts home and family matters (the IC). 

Transiting Uranus square Mars (June 2024 – July 2024, with the first major hit July – November of 2024 and another one in April and May of 2025): Here we have another disruptive square aspect from transiting Uranus, this time to Mars. More curveballs that interfere with our momentum, progress, and where victories are harder to achieve.

Transiting Saturn square his natal sun and moon (February 2025 – April 2025): Since Trump has a sun-moon opposition in his birth chart, both luminaries are simultaneously affected by any transit. Saturn squares bring up themes of frustrations, setbacks, delays, and obstacles in our path.

That is a lot of astrological adversity over a relatively short stretch of time.

Astrology with Andy

So, in short, just because Biden dropped out of the race doesn’t mean it’s a slam dunk for Trump. He has his own astrological battles to face, and frankly, it’s about time. Why can Saturn constantly kick my butt, and yet he gets to ruin an entire country and descend it into a fascist state all because he got his feelings hurt over a decade ago?! I digress.

Let’s get to the good stuff because the world is bleak enough.

Kamala Harris’ chart is phenomenal this year, especially at election time, my friends. Now, look, she’s not officially the Democrat presidential candidate yet and that won’t happen until the Democratic National Convention next month. But she’s already secured the required number of pledged delegates so let’s assume there is still goodness left in our timeline and jump to the conclusion Kamala Harris is our next Presidential nominee.

Here’s an assessment of Harris’ transits that Astrology with Andy released hours before Biden made his announcement not to seek reelection:

In the case of Harris, transiting Uranus will be conjunct (right on top of) her natal 11th house Jupiter. This once-in-a-lifetime transit can ‘rock your world’ with an exciting new opportunity. This transit would be especially relevant if Biden steps down and she becomes the 2024 Presidential nominee.

Harris will also have transiting Saturn opposing her natal Uranus as well as transiting Uranus squaring her natal Saturn. Saturn is about traditional structures; Uranus does away with convention. If Harris were to be at the top of a presidential ticket and win the election, the United States would have its first female president, first female Black American president, and first female South Asian American president. Talk about a Uranian strike to Saturn’s “same old, same old.”

Lastrly, Harris will have solar arc Mercury sextile her natal Midheaven in November (any harmonious contacts to the Midheaven during a presidential election are seen as favorable).

It’s not just this source, either. If you’ve been around astrology Reddit (like me!) you’d know the commenters there have been saying for well over a year Harris’ chart is the one to bet on. Here is a comment from 2021, via a deleted user on r/astrology:

Looking at Kamala Harris’ chart, it does look as though she should be president at some point. My feelings are 2024-2028 is a Harris presidency

Here’s another forecast that she’d have it made in the shade, posted on June 5th from astrologer Catherine Urban:

On election night, Jupiter conjoins Kamala Harris’ ascendant; though the transit isn’t yet exact, it can still indicate victory. Further, Kamala enjoys Jupiter in her sign of the year, bringing opportunities, expansion, and blessings in the year ahead.

While Trump and Biden’s forecasts provide enough data on their own, both candidates seem to have their own shares of ups and downs. Kamala’s chart is much clearer. 2024 describes a period in her life in which her eminence and visibility increase. It is also strongly suggestive of a continued professional relationship with Biden in the year ahead.

Catherine Urban Astrologer

So, what does this actually mean for Harris, and by extension, America and the rest of the world? Well, if you needed some encouragement today, look to the sky, because the forecast is very favorable for Madam Vice President to become Madam President. Honestly, this would be the one nice “unprecedented” event to happen in recent memory, because I will never get over the heartbreak of having that moment stolen from me in 2016. I imagine many of you out there feel the same way.

If you want even further encouragement, rough waters are ahead for Trump:

From where I sit, Donald Trump’s road to the White House does not look like a cake walk (September and October could prove particularly difficult).

Astrology with Andy

An October surprise for Trump, when Harris goes from strength to strength with her chart? Don’t mind if I do.

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Image of Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson (no, not that one) has been writing about pop culture and reality TV in particular for six years, and is a Contributing Writer at The Mary Sue. With a deep and unwavering love of Twilight and Con Air, she absolutely understands her taste in pop culture is both wonderful and terrible at the same time. She is the co-host of the popular Bravo trivia podcast Bravo Replay, and her favorite Bravolebrity is Kate Chastain, and not because they have the same first name, but it helps.