Rogue Rubin and Nina Twine's uncomfortable interaction in Australian Survivor Heroes v. Villains
Network 10

‘She was way calmer than I would’ve been:’ An Australian survival show is going viral for a wildly racist reason

The internet wished that Australian Survivor Heroes v. Villains turned into a battle royale after they’ve seen a viral clip between two contestants. This wasn’t an example of a microaggression—it’s plain and blatant racism.

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Rubin, who lives in Melbourne, asked what part of the US Nina was from. Twine responded that she was from North Carolina. Twine emphasized that it was all the way to the East Coast. Rubin took offense to Twine’s response and said that she lived in the US half the time—thus, she did not need Twine to explain it to her like she’s “an idiot.”

Nobody was prepared to hear what Rubin had to say next. “I’m more African American than you are. You need to understand that.” To add fuel to the fire, Rubin clarified that she’s from Africa. Nobody asked—not Twine, not her other teammates, and not the internet. Everyone was taken aback by Rubin’s out-of-context and racially laced attack against Twine.

Social media was up in arms about Rogue’s racist comment. One comment from the TikTok video’s comment section wrote, “She was way calmer than I would’ve been.” Another comment on the TikTok video reads, “I wish this had suddenly become a whole different type of Survivor game.”

Rubin was born in Cape Town, South Africa. There’s no denying that she’s South African, but working in the US doesn’t make her African American. Her parents were Lithuanian Jews, making her claim about being African American entirely false. 

Nina Twine gave her side of the story

Nina Twine said that this clip featured “the worst and most awkward moment” in her life. Twine had something to say in response to Rubin, but it wasn’t shown on air. After Rubin’s tirade, all Twine said was, “Good for you.”

When Rubin was voted out, Twine confronted Rubin about her terrible behavior. Twine also added that “someone more deserving” should have been in Rubin’s place. That’s a slay that would’ve been too brutal to show on reality television.

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Image of Vanessa Esguerra
Vanessa Esguerra
Vanessa Esguerra (She/They) has been a Contributing Writer for The Mary Sue since 2023. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy, she (happily) rejected law school in 2021 and has been a full-time content writer since. Vanessa is currently taking her Master's degree in Japanese Studies in hopes of deepening her understanding of the country's media culture in relation to pop culture, women, and queer people like herself. She speaks three languages but still manages to get lost in the subways of Tokyo with her clunky Japanese. Fueled by iced coffee brewed from local cafés in Metro Manila, she also regularly covers anime and video games while queuing for her next match in League of Legends.