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Don’t Miss This TIFF Hit Korean Action Film When It Finally Comes to the U.S. This Summer

Thanks to the booming video on demand sector, it’s now easier than ever to watch international films that we might have ordinarily missed here in the United States, and Korean action film A Man of Reason is a prime example.

It premiered at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival almost two years ago, but it’s just now making its U.S. premiere. A Man of Reason was recently acquired from Acemaker Movieworks by Epic Pictures. Epic plans to bring this popular action movie to the States for a limited release before sending it off to video-on-demand. Keep reading to find all the details about when and where to catch this exciting new movie starring South Korean superstar Jung Woo-Sung.

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What’s A Man of Reason about?

Woo-Sung plays Soo-Hyeok, a hitman who is released from prison after ten long years. After learning that he has a daughter whom he’s never met or even heard of, he decides to look up the baby’s mother, his ex-girlfriend Min-seo, and live a quiet, crime-free life. Unfortunately, the powerful people who used to employ him don’t want to lose such a valuable asset. When the boss sends assassins to kill Soo and kidnaps his daughter, Soo is forced to fight back … by any means necessary.

The film also stars Kim Nam-gil, Park Sung-woong, Kim Jun-han, Park You-na, and Lee Elijah in supporting roles. Jung Woo-Sung is a veteran actor in Korea with a long list of acting credits, but A Man of Reason marks his first stint in the role of director. Deadline reports that Epic Pictures CEO and owner Patrick Ewald said they’re pleased to offer a fresh new director’s first-ever film to a wider international audience.

“We are beyond excited to bring Jung Woo-sung’s dynamic film to audiences in North America,” he stated. “A Man of Reason features intense action sequences, masterful choreography, and riveting storyline that set a new standard for the genre.” You can catch a preview of those fiery action sequences in the film’s official trailer, below.

Looks exciting, doesn’t it? I’d watch it for that car scene alone, but the whole movie looks like a good way to get the blood pumping on a Friday night at home. Speaking of which …

When is the U.S. release date?

A Man of Honor will enjoy a limited release in select U.S. theaters on July 5, 2024, with a video-on-demand release to follow on July 9. Looking forward to getting a front-row seat (on my couch)!

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Image of Beverly Jenkins
Beverly Jenkins
Beverly Jenkins (she/her) is a contributing writer for The Mary Sue. She writes about pop culture, entertainment, and web memes, and has published a book or a funny day-to-day desk calendar about web humor every year for a decade. When not writing, she's listening to audiobooks or watching streaming movies under a pile of her very loved (spoiled) pets.

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