John Oliver wrapped up what has been an incredibly difficult season of Last Week Tonight yesterday, and he went out with a bang. He spent most of the episode going over how Donald Trump’s voter fraud claims are complete and utter bullshit, but he also closed out the episode and season with a look back at many of its highlights. He’s acquired rat erotica, fought with the city of Danbury, Connecticut, and generally made the best of a really terrible year. All while thirsting over Adam Driver.
John Oliver’s desire for Adam Driver to step on him has been one of the funniest running bits this year. “Collapse on my chest, you impenetrable barrier” and such is hysterical on its own, but it’s extra funny given the context of how the language Oliver uses to objectify Driver is a parody of online stan culture and Twitter thirst.
All of us who are Very Online have probably at some point said our favorite crushes could step on us (I think I’m on the record here saying as much about Charlize Theron), but Oliver has taken it to new and incredibly weird heights with his comical kink for Driver to punish and order him around …
And so it’s a great capper to the season that Driver emerged from his well to shame Oliver.
Just this is, frankly, art of the highest order. Adam Driver is underrated as a comic genius and Oliver is perfectly turned on and terrified by it all. “I’m sick of people stopping me in the street and asking me if I’m going to punch a hole in you like a Marriage Story wall” is probably one of the funniest things I’ve heard someone say with a completely straight face in a while.
That’s not to say that kink-shaming is okay, but this was all in good fun. And it’s great that the naughty bird man finally does get an order from Daddy Driver that allowed him to explore his limitless void. And that led Oliver to his final on-air moment of 2020, stepping out of his void … to blow up 2020. Literally.
Man, watching THAT made me feel the kind of happiness I assume John Oliver might feel if Adam Driver were to actually slap him in the face. As the man said. “Fuck you, 2020.”
(Image: HBO)
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Published: Nov 16, 2020 7:10 PM UTC