Christmas specials are usually all about discovering the true meaning of the holiday, and Adam Ruins Everything‘s Christmas episode is no different–though it takes that lesson a bit more literally. In anticipation, we’re sharing a short clip of “Adam Ruins Christmas,” where the host takes guest star Rhea Butcher from Take My Wife through the un-Christian origins of many traditions.
I got a chance to screen the full episode and it’s both informative and respectful. Adam Conover’s show, which displays a lot of self-awareness in its “ruining,” is more invested in education and looking critically at rituals we often take for granted. The message of the segment isn’t that these traditions are stupid or ridiculous. Rather, Conover promotes the idea that people should be able to celebrate as they wish.
The full episode, which also dives into the economics of Christmas and other fun facts, airs Tuesday, December 20th at 10PM ET/PT.
(image via screencap)
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Published: Dec 19, 2016 4:00 PM UTC