Bluey is the most adorable show around right now and it’s also heaven for dog lovers—because Bluey presents an entire world populated by dogs! Talking dogs that walk on two legs, but even so.
You can spot all sorts of dog breeds in Bluey and very possibly, your favorite is in there too. You could watch Bluey with your own furry friend and see if he wags his tail in recognition at any of the dogs, or you could check out this handy guide to the many dogs of Bluey.
The Heelers – Heelers

You can work out Bluey’s breed just from her name, right? Bluey Heeler? Yep, she’s a blue heeler (a quite literally blue one!), as is her father Bandit. Chilli and Bingo on the other hand are red heelers. Other members of the Heeler family also come in either blue or red, (or, in the case of Uncle Rad, blue and red) or they’re white heelers.
Calypso – Australian Shepherd

Bluey’s teacher Calypso is a blue merle Australian shepherd, a particularly beautiful breed of dog. The choice to make her that particular kind of dog was an inspired one, as she shepherds her young charges through school.
Chloe – Dalmatian

Chloe is a Dalmatian and Bluey’s best friend. You can spot (see what I did there?) a Dalmatian dog from a mile away, as they have very distinctive black-and-white coloring. So it’s not surprising Bluey would have a Dalmatian as one of its side characters.
Rusty – Red Kelpie

Rusty is another one of Bluey’s friends. He’s the son of a military soldier and likes to play army, as well as cricket. His breed is Red Kelpie, which is a kind of Australian sheepdog. And Bluey, as you know, is an Australian creation.
Coco – Poodle

Poodles are one of the most beloved dog breeds out there and Bluey’s friend Coco is one of these. She’s pink and she wears cute little butterfly clips in her fur. Sadly, though, you can’t get bright pink poodles in real life.
Indy – Afghan Hound

Indy is a dog with a very strict diet. She can’t have wheat, gluten, sugar, salt, or dairy, and this helps teach kids about the special diets they or their friends might have. Indy’s breed is Afghan Hound, if you couldn’t tell already from her fabulous hair.
Mackenzie – Border Collie

Mackenzie is a friend of Bluey’s who moved from New Zealand to Australia. He’s a border collie, a type of dog well given to herding sheep, that is also believed to be one of the most intelligent dog breeds out there. Oh, and he may be the future husband of Bluey as well. Go Mackenzie!
Lucky – Yellow Labrador

Yellow labs are great dogs so there would have to be one in Bluey. The show’s main yellow lab is Lucky, the next-door neighbor of Bluey and her family, and he loves to play sports—just as real labradors are known for being playful.
Judo – Chow Chow

Judo is a chow chow, and the official Bluey website points out that this breed of dog “commonly becomes attached to certain individuals.” We see this type of behavior in Judo when she interacts with Bluey. Chow chows are also noted for being strong-willed, which Judo is.
Winton – English Bulldog

Winton is an English bulldog, a dog particularly beloved in Britain. Chances are his name is also a reference to the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who was often compared to a bulldog. Winton hasn’t quite learned about personal space yet (plenty of parents are nodding their heads in recognition) but he’s a good friend.
Snickers – Dachshund

No prizes for guessing what Snickers is! He’s a sausage dog and he’s totally adorable. Well, actually he’s a dachshund, seeing as that’s what a sausage dog is. You may also know his breed by the name of “wiener dog” or “badger dog.”
Published: May 29, 2024 8:00 AM UTC