A little dog licks Deadpool's face in "Deadpool 3"
(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

All ‘Deadpool 3’ Deadpool variants ranked worst to best

The Multiverse is a mixed bag. Deadpool said it himself in Deadpool 3 during his monologue to all of the other Deadpools on this list. While Marvel’s multiverse movies aren’t quite as good as the earlier Avengers entries, there is a silver lining: more Deadpools than you can shake a katana at.

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10. Nicepool

Hotpool Deadpool variant in Marvel Comics.
A.k.a. Hotpool. (Marvel Comics)

I don’t know why I feel the need to give Nicepool the bottom rung on this list. He’s just … too nice? He didn’t do anything wrong! He let our heroes borrow his car. He let them play with his dog. He even died protecting (sorta) Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool. Those are all sweet, kind, and totally un-Deadpool things to do. Like Deadpool 3‘s Wolverine, he’s the worst one because he’s so unlike the other Deadpools. He’s the guy whose life is so together you just wanna punch him in the mouth, no matter how nice he seems. Because something tells me that unlike the best Deadpool on this list, he isn’t actually all that nice. Polite, but not truly kind.

9. Headpool

A rotting Deadpool head from "Deadpool" comics
(Marvel Comics)

Headpool is kinda gross. I don’t mean to body shame this guy, but it’s eerie that he doesn’t have a body. He’s just a rotten head floating around with a propeller. He’s all the annoying parts of Deadpool (his mouth) with none of the useful parts (his ass-kicking arms and legs). During the Deadpool vs. Deadpools battle, he really didn’t do much, just kinda buzzed around the battlefield and then got taken out. At least he died fighting—his own version of fighting, at least.

8. Kidpool

A child Deadpool stands with his arms folded
(Marvel Comics)

Someone needs to teach Kidpool some manners. I get that he’s The Merc With a Mouth, but I will not be cussed at by someone who’s still learning how to do it. His cussing is immature. It lacks finesse. A good string of cuss words has to be thoughtless, effortless, easy. It’s gotta just roll right off the tongue. Children just don’t know how to do it, and it takes years of practice (or a few months in Boston) to really nail down the technique. He’s sure got a head start on his non-Deadpool peers in his age group, but the adult Deadpools are gonna beat him out every time with superior cusspower.

7. Deadpool 2099

A futuristic Deadpool rides a motorcycle wielding guns
(Marvel Comics)

Alright, Deadpool 2099 gets some serious props for effort. He’s the kind of guy who watched Cyperpunk: Edgerunners once and decided to make it his whole personality. He’s got cool future gadgets and a technofetishy costume. Stylewise, Brody is cooking, but he just doesn’t have that Deadpool attitude. He’s too polished. Too chrome plated. Too sleek. He’s giving “Merc” but not “Mouth.” You gotta be a little rough around the edges to be the genuine article.

6. Zenpool

A white suited Deadpool rakes sand in a Zen garden
(Marvel Comics)

Zenpool wins huuuuuuuuuuge style points. Bro’s all-white costume gives him incredible aura. Astronomical. He looks like he could really f*** you up and then teach you some life lessons, impart some wisdom, and send you on your path. Zenpool, according to the comics, is a Deadpool variant that is dedicated to the practice on non-violence. A noble pursuit. Why doesn’t he rank higher? He sure as hell doesn’t honor is commitment in Deadpool 3. You gotta stick to your ideological guns in this world if you ain’t gonna use real ones.

5. Golden Age Deadpool

A classic Deadpool stands wearing a gas mask and cutlasses
(Marvel Comics)

Golden Age Deadpool looks dope. A gas mask and cutlasses? Absolutely. There’s something so timeless about him. It’s like he walked right out of that Peter Jackson documentary about World War I. His decision to wear a gas mask is certainly practical, but he doesn’t actually need it considering his lungs would just heal themselves in a gas attack. But fashion isn’t always practical, cherie. Golden Age Deadpool understands.

4. Roninpool

The samurai warrior Roninpool wields a sword
(Marvel Comics)

You want aura? Roninpool’s got aura. He looks like he stepped straight out of a prestige anime to enter this fight. While most Deadpools use katanas, Roninpool is the only guy I trust to really wield ’em right. The man is so lethal with the blade that he doesn’t even need guns! He’s probably got some throwing knives or something. Way cool.

3. Lady Deadpool

Lady Deadpool struts onto the battlefield in "Deadpool 3"
(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

Lady Deadpool is the leader of the Deadpool squad. I think? She was at the front. But maybe that’s not because she’s in command, but because she commands attention. Lady Deadpool served. She ate. No crumbs were left on that battlefield. Sure, the other Deadpools look good, Zenpool especially, but not even he was brave enough to pull of the high ponytail, was he? And best of all, she was voiced by Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds’ real-life wife!

2. Dogpool

A little dog licks Deadpool's face in "Deadpool 3"
(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

Dogpool is the cutest ugly dog I have ever seen in my entire life. What dumpster did they find this poor baby under? Dogpool is the ultimate success story, proving that you don’t need movie star good looks to make it big in Hollywood. He’s easily the most sought after Deadpool in the core. Nicepool knows what he has, and does’t wanna give the little guy up. Dogpool is such a sweetie that regular Deadpool would kill for him … and DOES.

1. Peterpool

A middle aged man with a mustache smiles in "Deadpool 3"
(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

There are Deadpools, and then there’s Peterpool. Peterpool is in a league of his own. Let’s start with pure style. While Zenpool and Deadpool 2099 likely spent hours getting all dolled up for the showdown, Peterpool rolled up to the function dad bod out. Absolutely effortless. Limitless aura. But the winning thing about Peterpool? His personality.

Peterpool was there for regular Deadpool when he was at his lowest. Always supportive. Always there to be a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Would Nicepool do that? No, he’s probably too busy homebrewing kombucha to check on his homies. There’s a reason why Peterpool is beloved by all the other Deadpools in the Deadpool Corps. They know that whenever they’re in need, Peterpool will always be there for them. He showed up to the battle, didn’t he? But unlike the other Deadpools, he didn’t need to bring guns or swords. All he had to do was bring the vibe. The Deadpools love him for it, and so do I.

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Image of Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.