Batman holds a ball energy in "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

All ‘Multiversus’ Characters Ranked Worst to Best

If you had asked me what Superman, Arya Stark, and Taz all had in common before Multiversus dropped, I would’ve guessed … they’re all brunettes? Now I know better. They love to fight, as do all the other characters. But who is the best fighter of all? Read on.

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26. Marvin the Martian

Marvin the Martian points a gun in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Poor Marvin the Martian would likely be verrrry angryyyyyy to find out that he’s dead last on this list. But he did it to himself. He’s an Assassin type character that specializes in ranged attacks and keeping foes at a distance. His lack of finishing moves and slow charge up time for his more powerful strikes means that he’s really good at keeping potential players at a distance too … oops.

25. Steven Universe

Steven Universe stands on a treehouse in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Steven Universe is a ray of sunshine and positivity, but good vibes does not equal a good character. Steve is a support character, meaning that his abilities hinge around buffing allies and debuffing foes. That’s great for fighting on a team, but in a 1v1 setting he’s gonna get bodied every time. Let this be a lesson, the power of friendship makes you weak.

24. Lebron James

Lebron James dribbles a basketball in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

LeBron James is formidable on the basketball course, but in Multiversus he gets dunked on. He’s a projectile based Mage/Ranged character, which means that you’ll spend most of the battle chucking basketballs at people. But he can get separated from his basketball, and when that happens he’s literally useless. Turns out you CAN take the game out of the player.

23. Velma

Velma stands ready to fight in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Velma has one of the most unique play styles in the entire game …. pity it doesn’t translate to winning the game. Rather than fight foes, Velma has to spend her time traveling the stage collecting clues. When she grabs enough of them, the Mystery Machine comes in to do her dirty work and vehicular manslaughter her foes off the stage. But if she’s caught before that happens, she’ll get her ass kicked 10 times out of 10.

22. Tom and Jerry

Tom ties Jerry to a rocket in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Tom and Jerry are to Multiversus what Ice Climbers are to Super Smash. They’re the only dual character in the game. Pity they aren’t nearly as formidable as their Nintendo counterpart. They’re easily one of the most fun characters to watch, as Tom’s attacks are all focused on Jerry, but end up missing and hitting opponents instead. They rank low because they are HARD to master, and even when you do, there are simply better, easier characters to play as.

21. The Iron Giant

The Iron Giant stands in a treehouse in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Iron Giant is the Bowser of Multiversus. He’s big. He has a large hit box. He can soak up damage. The only problem … he’s slow. Bro is downright lugubrious. His hits are strong, but he’s simply unable to land them against faster characters.

20. Garnet

Garnet rides a mini car in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Like the Iron Giant, Garnet packs a punch. This Bruiser character is one of the hardest hitting in the game. She’s also one of the slowest characters, which proves to be her downfall. She is slightly more mobile than Iron Giant, but is less able to tank. It’s a tradeoff. But she has a cool car!

19. Gizmo

Gizmo rides the wind on an umbrella in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Gizmo is a support character, which is baffling considering he spends Gremlins supporting nothing but his own appetite for destruction. While his adorable umbrella riding antics are fun to watch and can help out party members in a pinch, he isn’t able to stand alone against foes. That’s why the movie is called Gremlins plural. He needs homies to help.

18. Taz

Taz flies through the air in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Taz bites hard and his tornado form makes him surprisingly mobile. Where he struggles is his ability to recover. Despite what this picture would have you believe, this Tasmanian Devil struggles to get off the ground, making it almost impossible to get back onstage when knocked off of it.

17. Reindog

Reindog sits on their hind legs in a treehouse in
(Warner Bros. Games)

Reindog ranks high on this list simply because he’s one of the best support characters in the gamer (and he’s a cute little pookiebear). If you’re playing 2v2, having Reindog will surely help you cinch victory. Reindog does NOT work well in a 1v1 setting. Why would you subject this cutie to getting hurt all alone?

16. Morty

Morty looks uncomfortable in  "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Morty ranks squarely in the middle of this list because he is one of the most difficult, if not the MOST difficult character to play. He’s a projectile based fighter that lobs grenades at foes, using lasers and portals to change their trajectories. He is not newbie friendly, but if you can master him, he can quickly become one of the strongest fighters in the game.

15. Rick

Rick looks perturbed  in  "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Rick is similar to Morty in the sense that his play style requires a Rick level intellect to use effectively. He’s a Mage character that deals primarily in ranged attacks and siccing Mr. MeSeekes on people. You’ll need a degree in physics to master him, but when you get it, he’s one of the game’s best.

14. Jason

Jason Voorhees stares at the camera in front of a burning house in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Jason Vorhees does insane damage with his machete, and is able to stuff foes in a sleeping bag and wallop them that way. His biggest downfall? His downfall. Jason is heavy, and lacks a lot of good recovery options, meaning that he’ll plummet off the stages more times than not.

13. Stripe


When it comes to Stripe, timing is everything. He’s a powerful Assassin class character that uses a combination of improvised ranged and melee weapons to batter foes. While movement speed is surprisingly fast, his attack animations … are not. He takes a long time to launch an attack, but when he does, you don’t wanna be in the way.

12. Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman holds a sword and shield in "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Wonder Woman is not to be messed with. Surprisingly mobile for a Tank, she’s able to pressure foes with her powerful sword and shield strikes. She also has the ability to create temporary platforms for herself and allies, giving her recovery options that other Tanks lack. Her problem? She lacks what other Tanks have: raw strength.

11. Black Adam

Black Adam charges energy in "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Black Adam is a pure DPS character. His combos are relentless and his ability to do damage to a foe from anywhere is frustratingly formidable. His problem? He ain’t a closer. His startling lack of finishing moves makes him a great asset in a 2v2 battle, but he’s rarely able to seal the deal 1v1.

10. Jake the Dog

Jake the dog goofs around  in "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Jake the Dog ranks highly on this list because of his unpredictable moveset. His stretchy body and surprising range makes it difficult to anticipate his next move. He’s also able to easily chain combos and juggle foes into the air. His problem? He simply isn’t as strong as other Tanks.

9. Superman

Superman floats in the sky in "Multiversus"
(Warner Bros. Games)

The Man of Steel is a force to be reckoned with. He hits hard from all ranges with his super strength and heat vision, and his airborne abilities give him high speed and great recovery options. You can’t go wrong picking Superman.

8.The Joker

The Joker blows a raspberry in "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

While many Ranged characters lack the necessary punch to end a fight, Joker and his rocket launcher are the exception. His powerful distance abilities make him a menace, and his helium balloon and pogo stick movement skill make him exceedingly difficult to catch.

7. Finn The Human

Finn The Human dances in
(Warner Bros. Games)

Finn has a unique combat mechanic. He needs that sweet, sweet dosh to attack. His abilities center around him collecting coins, which he can trade in for totally mathematical equipment that can send foes flying. He does killer damage, his sword swinging hitbox is huge, and he can power up easily. His only downside? He struggles with airborne foes.


Batman holds a ball energy in "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Despite his Bruiser designation, Batman is one of the fastest characters in the game. He’s able to vault around the stage at breakneck speeds and then follow up with furious combos that rack up damage. His signature move? A smoke bomb that makes him invisible. It’s downright OP.

5. Banana Guard

Banana Guard yells with a spear in the air in
(Warner Bros. Games)

Who woulda thought the Banana Guard had so much fight in them? Banana Guard may look cute, but his diamond tipped spear is anything but. His attacks have ridiculous range, and his ability to charge them up allows even a basic jab to become a finishing blow.

4. Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn smirks holding a baseball bat in  "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Harley Quinn is to Multiversus what Fox McCloud is to Super Smash. Like Fox, Harley is one of the lightest and fastest characters in the game. Also like Fox, she hits like a truck. Her ability to chain combos together is unparalleled, and like the clown she is, she’s able to juggle foes in the air with ease.

3. Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny smirks holding a pie
(Warner Bros. Games)

Bugs Bunny is the best Ranged character in the game, hands down. He can pull just about anything from behind his back, launching pies and dynamite at foes at dizzying speeds. His Looney Toons antics make him a difficult character to predict, and his high mobility allows for near constant pie-in-face onslaughts.

2. Arya Stark

Arya Stark stands against the blue sky  in  "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Arya Stark is just as formidable as she is in Game of Thrones, perhaps more so. She’s one of the fastest characters in the game, and her lighting quick strikes with Needle allow her to create devastating combos. In the beta version of the game, her abilities actually had to be nerfed so she could fight fair against foes.

1. Shaggy

Shaggy glows with blue energy in  "Multiverses"
(Warner Bros. Games)

Shaggy is limited to using only 1% of his power while playing in Multiversus in order to give the rest of the roster a fighting chance, but even at a fraction of his power, he’s still arguably the strongest fighter in the game. He fights like a world class martial artist with lighting quick punches and kicks, and is able to tap into his Ultra Instinct abilities to put the hurt on enemies. He also just so happens to be one of the most balanced and easily learnable characters in the game, allowing a newbie to become a master in no time at all.

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Image of Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.