There’s an increasingly long list of women in Hollywood beginning to speak out about the ridiculous gender gap in wages. In an interview with The Sunday Times, Amanda Seyfried joined that list when she said, “A few years ago, on one of my big-budget films, I found I was being paid 10 percent of what my male co-star was getting, and we were pretty even in status.”
Ten. Percent. Holy hell. That kind of gap is absolutely absurd. Seyfried didn’t specify which movie she was talking about, but that doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that she was only paid ten percent of what her male co-star got. She offered some tough advice for women who’re trying to make it in Hollywood (or most industries, for that matter): “You have to decide if you’re willing to walk away from something, especially as a woman.”
(via The Hollywood Reporter, image via Indiewire)
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Published: Jul 14, 2015 7:37 PM UTC