**Spoilers for the most recent episode of Disney+’s The Mandalorian.**
You know who I didn’t know was in The Mandalorian? Amy Sedaris. You know who I love in The Mandalorian? Amy Sedaris. When Mando rolls up to Tatooine because his ship is damaged, he goes to a repair woman with a lot of droids and tells her to fix his ship without using them. And when her face suddenly appeared, and I realized it was Amy Sedaris in a wild wig, I screamed.
From there, she started to slowly fix his ship and basically plan on ripping him off by taking her sweet time and saying that things needed to be fixed that … didn’t. But when she really became me, embodied, in a bad wig was when baby Yoda toddled his little way down the ramp, crying because his Dadalorian left him alone, and wanted a hug—which Peli Motto (that’s her name) willingly gives to him.
Does she suddenly become a character who dedicates her time to protecting baby Yoda? Yes, of course, have you seen baby Yoda? But even when Toro Calican (Jack Cannavale) tries to hurt baby Yoda and Peli, Mando comes to protect them because, let’s be real, we’d all willingly die for baby Yoda, and that is made clear week after week when a new character takes one look at him and suddenly loves him with their whole being.
Sedaris, however, appears and speaks to my soul. Trying to make the most money but then falling in love with the green 50-year-old? I can relate, and she is very much giving us the Amy Sedaris energy we know and love. It also helps that the minute the internet heard that Sedaris was in this episode, everyone collectively lost their minds.
How it feels to see Amy Sedaris cradling Baby Yoda on The Baby Yoda Show pic.twitter.com/SliUdmxJ5f
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) December 6, 2019
you’re telling me amy sedaris in THE MANDALORIAN isn’t just STAR WARS ripley? pic.twitter.com/SM4MSEF181
— karen han (@karenyhan) December 6, 2019
Amy Sedaris and Baby Yoda.
Name a more iconic duo.
You literally can’t. pic.twitter.com/lHsOJodwsV
— Mike T (@majtague) December 6, 2019
Star Wars’ greatest cultural contribution in history is Amy Sedaris in this wig. pic.twitter.com/74pdtaaPOD
— Joey Nolfi (@joeynolfi) December 6, 2019
Me bringing you this week’s collection of Baby Yoda and Amy Sedaris in a Space Wig GIFs https://t.co/oXvisYa7TX pic.twitter.com/RxDAsLDipN
— Jackson McHenry (@McHenryJD) December 6, 2019
just when u think you’re out …… they hire amy sedaris and here i come like a clown
— hunter harris (@hunteryharris) December 6, 2019
To me, Amy Sedaris’ Mandalorian character “Peli Motto” is a spiritual homage (a rhyme, if you will) to Bea Arthur’s Star Wars Holiday Special character “Ackmena” in this essay I will pic.twitter.com/k4SbcfilcG
— Leah Marilla Thomas (@leahmarilla) December 6, 2019
Amy Sedaris in a brillo pad wig holding Baby Yoda is the big chaotic “Virgin Mother and Child” energy I needed this holiday season. pic.twitter.com/5D5p3tvoRF
— Meghan O’Keefe (@megsokay) December 6, 2019
Am I going to be okay when The Mandalorian isn’t airing anymore? No, not at all. What am I going to do without my fill of baby Yoda every week? But, for now, we still have a few more episodes, and hopefully Sedaris comes back to hug the baby some more.
(image: Lucasfilm)
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Published: Dec 6, 2019 5:20 PM UTC