Andrew Garfield, former web-crawling star of the 2012 Amazing Spider-Man reboot, recently told Mic that he would love to see a pansexual portrayal of the character. Leaked documents from the film studios revealed that Spidey was stipulated to be “Caucasian and heterosexual.” Apparently, though, Garfield didn’t know about that stipulation when he got cast, and he’s not happy about it:
I’m excited to get to the point where we don’t have to have this conversation, where we can have a pansexual Spider-Man.
The richness of the world we’re in, the diversity of the world we’re in; you look at the animal kingdom and you see it reflected. You look all over. What are we so scared of? Why are we so, “No, it has to be this way, a man and a woman.” Why is that even a conversation?
We’re scared of things that aren’t us. Love is love. Skin is skin. Flesh is flesh. We’re all wrapped in the same thing. I have no preference.
That last comment in particular makes me wonder whether Andrew Garfield is, uh, still talking about Spider-Man. Regardless, I’m glad to hear he’s mulling this topic over in what sounds like a healthy and open-minded way.
Speaking of mulling topics over, if you haven’t read these other quotes from Andrew Garfield about how he saw his own portrayal of Spider-Man as a failure, please do so. It’s heart-breaking to read, but it’s also rare to see an actor be so honest about their disappointment and sadness.
I have to admit, I didn’t pay much attention to Garfield’s Spider-Man reboot when it came out, but given the actor’s recent statements about the role, I feel obligated to circle back around and give it a chance. What’s more, I’m hopeful that Garfield’s newfound honesty in the press about his feelings will be considered a boon for him, rather than a hindrance. I think it’s great that he’s speaking up about these topics, whether it’s about his disappointment in his own work, or his feelings about how sexuality is portrayed in the media.
(via Comic Book Resources, image via Pop Sugar)
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Published: Sep 9, 2015 11:04 am