The DC comic book universe has undergone a lot of changes since the heyday of the animated shows in the early aughts, so this mash-up of the DC Animated Universe with the audio from the live-action Suicide Squad trailer feels somewhat bittersweet. Still worth a watch, though.
Harley Quinn’s backstory has changed, to the disappointment of many—and that’s just one example of what’ll feel different about the characters in Suicide Squad, compared to these older versions. This fan-made mash-up featuring (most of) the same characters seems almost like an alternate universe version of a Suicide Squad that could have been. Perhaps an alternate universe that would be a little more fun to watch? Hard to say, really. The movie’s not out yet.
… But there’s never a bad time to re-watch all of Batman: The Animated Series.
(via CBR)
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Published: Feb 1, 2016 5:32 PM UTC