Our Flag Means Death Arda Wigs beard

Arda Wigs Teases New Beard Line So ‘Our Flag Means Death’ Cosplayers Can Let Their Ships Sail

Cosplayers, you know what to do.

Our Flag Means Death, aka, “lol it might be gay, oh shit, oh my god, it IS gay” has quickly become a fan favorite amongst, well, my entire social media space. I always say that you can tell a series has “made it” when you see an explosion of fanart, fics on ao3, vids that make you cry, and cosplay. Our Flag Means Death is the kind of series that was destined to be embraced by fandom, and it was only a matter of time before we’d get to the cosplay portion of showing love for this series.

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And along with that comes an announcement from Arda Wigs, or should I say… Arda Beards.

What we know about Arda Beards so far

If you’re a cosplayer (or are familiar with it) you’ve probably heard of Arda Wigs. They offer a large selection of vividly colored wigs that are either perfect for the character you want to cosplay or perfect to style in the way you need. There are tons of tutorials out there (even on Arda’s website) that range from two-colored hairstyles like Cruella De Vil, or if you’re feeling adventurous, the spiked looks of… well, take your pick of anime or video game character, really.

With Our Flag Means Death being the powerhouse it is in fandom (insert polite request for a second season), it makes sense that Arda would look for a way to expand their products. However, all we know at the moment is that the company plans on releasing beards, we don’t know when the release is yet. While we don’t know the release date, we do know that they’re starting with Taika Waititi’s Blackbeard, as one does when announcing a beard launch. Ideally, they’ll include options for other bearded characters in the future (from this series and other series where someone’s rocking a luxurious amount of facial hair).

I also hope to see beards in vivid colors. Give me all of the rainbow, please, and thank you.

(Feature Image: HBO Max/Arda Wigs)

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Image of Briana Lawrence
Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)