Whether Joss Whedon fans or not, most of us breathed a sigh of relief when Joss Whedon was no longer attached to the live-action solo Batgirl film. For so many reasons, it seemed like a misguided choice. For those who worried about the fate of the project without Whedon’s attachment, there’s great news today! Batgirl has a new, female screenwriter.
Warner Bros. has hired Christina Hodson, writer of the upcoming Transformers spin-off, Bumblebee, to take on writing duties on the film. Apparently she, unlike Whedon, will have no problem coming up with a story. In addition to being a member of the Transformers writers’ room (which is how she got the Bumblebee script), she also wrote the 2017 Warner Bros. thriller Unforgettable, starring Rosario Dawson and Katherine Heigl, and Ology, the franchise Paramount is developing based on the YA fictional encyclopedias from Templar Publishing.
Whereas Whedon was taking on both writing and directing duties, it’s unclear as to whether Hodson will be directing as well, or if they will find a director to work with her. My hope, as always, is that they find a woman to take this on. It would be the first time that we’d have a filmed version of Batgirl through a completely female lens, and that’s the Batgirl we need right now.
Thoughts? Are you excited for a new take on Batgirl?
(via The Hollywood Reporter, image: DC Comics)
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Published: Apr 9, 2018 10:19 PM UTC