Bee and Puppycat is a successful animated short by Natasha Allegri and Frederator Studios on Cartoon Hangover. Haven’t watched it yet? Do. You won’t regret it. If you’ve watched it already, go ahead and watch it again. Puppycat’s space outlaw story never gets old.
For Bee and Puppycat fans, the good news is that Frederator Studios wants to make the short into a full series on YouTube. To do this, they need cash, and to get cash, they need you. That’s where the Kickstarter campaign comes in. They have 29 days left to reach their $600,000 goal, so drop by and donate and you could get a whole bunch of cool thank you gifts. Come on, Internet. You can do this. More Bee and Puppycat!
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Published: Oct 16, 2013 01:15 pm