Although Brian Michael Bendis co-created the titular character in Netflix’s upcoming adaptation of Jessica Jones, he did not work on the show — but he’s seen a preview of the first two episodes, and he gave them a solid thumbs-up on his Tumblr this week. In fact, he credits his own lack of involvement as the reason why he can endorse the show with “no ego fanfare”:
I was going to be the hardest on it. Harder than any of you. Jessica is a part of my DNA. A bad Jessica Jones show would have hurt me deeply. BUT it is faithful and lively and everything that I could personally have wanted from the show.
Bendis went on to lavish praise on the show’s screenwriter, Melissa Rosenberg, who may be best known for managing to adapt the Twilight books for the silver screen. More importantly, Rosenberg also wrote the 2002 underground cult TV show Birds of Prey. Back in 2002, TV adaptations of comic books were scarce; these days, we’ve got Daredevil, The Flash, Arrow, Gotham … the list goes on. Now, with Agent Carter on the docket for another season and Supergirl on the horizon, the stage has been set. The time is right for Jessica Jones to emerge and light the world on fire! Or, uh, she could let Luke Cage do it. That works, too.
(via Tumblr, image via ComingSoon.Net)
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Published: Jul 22, 2015 01:37 pm