Judge Frollo smiling evilly through fire and smoke (Disney)

The 9 Best Kids Movie Villains of All Time

Did someone say childhood trauma? Just because these movie are for kids doesn’t mean that that they aren’t capable of imparting irrevocable psychological damage. The characters on this list didn’t get the “kid friendly” memo, they’re downright terrifying.

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1. Scar


While neither Scar nor this plushie of him is certainly not the most intimidating character on this list, he makes up for his lack of gut-wrenching terror with sheer charisma. Scar slays. He’s got attitude for days. He’s tired. He’s over it. He’s better than everyone else and he knows it. He’s surrounded by fools and deserves to rule. He earns bonus villain points for his song “Be Prepared” – an absolute show stopper in the Lion King‘s repertoire. But beneath his “can’t be bothered” persona beats the true, dark heart of evil. Just ask Mufasa. He found out the hard way.

2. Syndrome

Syndrome in Disney's The Incredibles.

Syndrome from Incredibles is the stuff of which the best villains are made: stuff that was formerly on the side of good. As a child he idolized Mr. Incredible and wanted to be his apprentice, but he was refused. His feelings of rejection festered into a hatred for all superheroes, and he sought to make them obsolete with the powers of technology. Then he tried to make them obsolete by killing them all. In the end, he was undone by his own hubris. He thought he could get away with the superhero cardinal sin: wearing a cape. And look where that got him… in multiple pieces. Throw this action figure into a wind turbine and you’ll get what I mean.

3. Captain Hook

Captain Hook fumes while smoking two cigars in "Peter Pan"

Captain Hook from Peter Pan is an homage to one of the most enduring Disney villains ever created. Why? His style. The man is dripping. The luxurious red coat. The long, waxed mustache. The gleaming hook hand. He’s the definition of a cultured brute, capable of both waxing poetical while playing the organ and killing his crew members simply for annoying him. Captain Hook contains multitudes, but all of him hates Pan with a passion. You can feel that hatred radiating from this Caption Hook plushie.

4. Oogie Boogie

Oogie Boogie the sack monster glows green in "A Nightmare Before Christmas"

Even the side characters in The Nightmare Before Christmas. The Thing Under The Stairs? No thanks. Naturally, the film called for a truly terrifying villain to take up the mantle of evil, and Oogie Boogie answered it. He’s an animate sack of bugs that uses children to do all of his dirty work. Thankfully his plushie is full of just stuffing. He also just so happens to have one of the best musical numbers in the entire film.

5. The Other Mother

The Other Mother looms over Coraline with a menacing smile (Focus Features)
(Focus Features)

Yikes. Sure the other villains on this list are scary, but The Other Mother from Coraline is downright HORRIFYING. Also known as the Beldam, the Other Mother lures the young Coraline into her world with the love and attention the little girls so desperate craves (the musical numbers helped too). And the Beldam asks in return is for Coraline to let her sew her eyes shut with buttons. She doesn’t take the rejection well, turning into a hideous arachnid monster that tries to steal Coraline away forever. The plushie version is just as creepy.

6. Ursula

Animated Ursula serving body-ody-ody.

Her white pixie cut. Her red lip. Her blue eyeshadow. Her beauty mark. from The Little Mermaid is an icon. She’s a crafty and charismatic sea witch who is envious of King Triton’s rule over the ocean, and decides to strike back at him through his beloved daughter Ariel. She manipulates Ariel through the little mermaid’s desire for acceptance and love, and steals her voice away. Total jerk. But she looks amazing doing it. This Ursula figure looks just as good.

7. Hades

zeus hades hercules

The chthonic villain of Hercules is jealous, maniacal, and absolutely oozes charm. Hades is easily the most entertaining character in the entire movie, delivering a balance of droll one liners and incendiary outbursts in every scene. If only this Hades plushie could deliver the same. Despite his dark intentions, it’s hard not to smile while the King of the Underworld is on the screen.

8. Willy Wonka

Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is NOT a hero. Sure, those kids that he nearly drowned in chocolate rivers and morphed into blueberry body horror monstrosities were jerks, but they were also CHILDREN. Willy Wonka styles himself as judge, jury, and executioner for these children that he has LITERALLY NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR. He’s just a guy with a chocolate factory that children wanna visit! That doesn’t give him authority over their LIVES. Bro is a menace to society. I wouldn’t even trust this Willy Wonka Funko Pop.

9. No Face

Chihiro facing the spirit No-Face (Studio Ghibli)
(Studio Ghibli)

is the reason why some would consider Spirted Away to be anything but a kids’ movie. He starts at a spooky but seemingly nice little spirit, but then decides to tempt the rest of the ghosts with gold and EAT THEM for accepting it! He’s a vicious, all-consuming terror. He’s only brought back to his senses (or introduced to them in the first place) by the innocent Chihiro, who isn’t swayed by material things. Buddy needs to learn a lesson from her, so hopefully someday he’ll become as the plushie version of himself

(Featured image: Disney)

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Image of Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.