Betty White’s Review of DeadpoolI love Ryan Reynolds…here are a few of my thoughts about his new movie #Deadpool.
Posted by Betty White on Thursday, February 11, 2016
Well, that’s it kids. If there were any lingering doubts among you as to whether or not to see Deadpool this weekend, you can pretty much just throw them all out the window right now. Betty White took to her Facebook page to review the movie, and it is glorious.
I don’t know how this happened. I don’t know if the 94-year-old White actually saw the film on her own and decided to make a video about it for bonus comedy points, or if the Deadpool marketing team threw ALL THE MONEY at her to talk about their film. I don’t know, and I don’t care. All I know is that seeing this video is the coolest thing that’s happened to me today and makes me want to see Deadpool, then come home and do a marathon of The Golden Girls.
Now that’s a great evening of entertainment.
Raise your hand if you think Betty White should make more of a habit of reviewing superhero movies! *raises hand*
(via The Hollywood Reporter, featured image via screencap)
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Published: Feb 12, 2016 11:36 am